Festering Fang Genshin Impact, Check the Location to Get It Friend!
The world operation Festering Fang Genshin Impact gives players the opportunity to acquire Dragonspine Spear for free. Before you get the new weapon, you first need to collect a number of items on orders from the NPC with the name Orban. Then one of the items that players must track in this mission is Strange Tooth, and this guide will detail some of the locations that you can find.
To obtain the rights of the Festering Fang Genshin Impact, the 4 strange teeth in Genshin Impact are all located in Dragonspine, with 3 of them located on the north side of the area and 1 on the southeast.
This is the Location Festering Fang Genshin Impact
Here is provided a map that has been marked to find out where the strange tooth is and you can find it quickly.
- Right by the water
- Be by the side of the torch
- On the mainland of a small island. Then there was an Abyss Mage who appeared after taking the Tooth collection
- The land located within the Wyrmrest . Valley cave
As already mentioned, Strange Tooth is not the only item that players must collect in this mission. You should also find the Northlander Polearm Prototype. You can get the prototype in the Sporal Abyss or by leveling up the Frostbearing Tree. In addition, players are required to get a fair amount of Starsilver stones in this mission. And maybe the northern border of Dragonspine is the easiest location to find it.
After collecting all these items, you will later be instructed to fill one of the Strange Tooth using vitality. And that requires a return trip to place 4 of the map above.
However, this time you will face a number of Fatui, and will get a Vitalized Dragontooth after defeating him.
Tips for Unlocking Festering Fang’s Hidden Quest, Get Dragonspine for Free
Besides you can get Snow Tombed Starsilver for free, you can also get another four-star weapon, namely Dragonspine Spear. You can obtain it by completing the hidden quest Festering Fang and intersecting with the event quest Albedo.
Steps to Get Dragon Spear
- You have to face Frostarm Lawachurl
- Then you picked up a strange tooth-shaped item
- After that, the Festering Fang quest will be available where you can get the Dragonspin Spear for free, along with the blueprint
- You can discuss with NPC Iris and Orban then do a quest where you need to collect 3 Strange Tooth
- You need to collect 50 Star Silver items
- After that, you need to look for the Northlander Polearm Prototype, which you can get through weekly bosses such as Boreas and Stormterror. However, you can also get it through Frostbearing Tree Level 8, which is where to raise your Crimson Agate worker
- After that, you return to NOC Orban and he will perform a quest to be able to collect dragon teeth
- You have to defeat Fatui who appears and give the strange tooth to the heart with a red color. After that, you have to go back to defeating the Fatui that appears
- Strange Tooth is complete and you can return to NPC Orban and hand over 3 items, namely Star Silver [50 item], Northlander Polearm Prototype, and Strange Tooth.
Also read: 31 Dandelion Seed Genshin Impact Locations, Check it Out!
That’s a review of how to get Festering Fang Genshin Impact and also how to get Dragon Spear for free. I hope this helps.
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