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Mobile Legends Rank Order, Let's Memorize All Friends

In 2021, the rank of Mobile Legends was only 7, at that time the highest rank was Legends, but now the Mythic rank has emerged which is the highest rank of Mobile Legends.

Now, there are a total of 8 levels of rank in Mobile Legends, namely Warrior, Elite, Master, Grand Master, Epic, Legend, Mythic, and the highest is Glirious Mythic. Which is where every player who raises their rank will get 1 rank star after winning in ranked mode.

Here is the Mobile Legends rank designation from the lowest to the highest.

Mobile Legends Rank Order, Complete with the explanation



When gaming friends first play Mobile Legends, of course they often find the rank of Warrior. You can reach this rank after level 8 and have five heroes that have been purchased.

As the lowest rank in Mobile Legends, Warrior has a lot of noob players, so many players whose stats immediately increase when they enter the Warrior rank.



Elite rank has a level 3 to Elite 1 with four stars so you can penetrate the next rank. Players at this rank are still classified as standard in terms of games. Therefore, gaming friends don’t need to think about the rank here



Well, here, gaming friends will usually face Toxic players who can only rely on their noob games. For the level itself, from Master IV to Master I with four stars in order to penetrate the next rank.



Usually in the Mobile Legends rank order, the limit is for novice players who have difficulty rising to Epic rank, or even from Epic down to Grandmaster. In this rank, the game starts to get exciting, at least you will meet players who already understand the tactics of the game. Usually here, gaming friends will meet players whose rank is stuck and it’s very difficult to get out.



Epic is a hell rank, you guys here start using the Draft Pick method and start banning six heroes [sebelumnya 4 hero] in a game. With the opening of the Draft Pick method, it is recommended that you have many hero options that have been mastered.



Legends is a tier with quite reliable players. Usually, gaming friends will fight a stable and reliable team rather than an Epic rank.

In this rank, usually what makes it difficult is the team members themselves. Not much different from GM, here still play as usual, as long as you play correctly then there will be no significant difficulties.



Mythis is the highest rank in Mobile Legends, but since Season-14, there has been a change in this rank which originally had a star method, but has now changed to a point method. If your gaming buddy has reached Mythic, you don’t need to worry about tyrunning to Legends, because Moonton looks fair enough to give points when you’ve penetrated Mythic.

If you are here, as long as you are considered reliable playing Mobile Legends. Here, there will be many players who understand and are good at, it will be difficult to play in the Mythic rank and must understand the many abilities of a hero.

Glorious Myth

Glorious Myth

This is the highest rank in Mobile Legends, to be able to penetrate the Glorious Mythic rank, gaming friends must have points above 600. This tier is a rank that is inhabited by many pro players and also pro eSports teams. You will find pro players’ familiar nicks in that rank.

The highest rank is Glorious Mythic which contains various pro players, no life and tryhard. Actually, it’s not too difficult to break through this rank, but there are a lot of points that gaming friends need and it’s better if you just get stuck in the Mythic rank. Unless you are true and want to break through the Glorious Mythic rank, and that’s not a problem.

Also read: Here are Some of the Best Mobile Legend Support Players

Thus the explanation of the rank order of Mobile Legends starting from the lowest to the highest. By the way, what rank have you guys broken through?

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