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2+ How To Recover Deleted Files On Android

Want to know how to restore deleted files on Android? Maybe you have experienced files on your cellphone being accidentally deleted, then what will you do?

Some of the unpleasant incidents in using cellphones that most often occur are the loss of files from your cellphone, either intentionally or not.

If that is the case then special handling is needed to be able to restore deleted files.

Why HP Becomes a Basic Need?

For everyone, a gadget in the form of a cellphone is a basic need that must be owned.

The most basic reason is that everyone needs to communicate, not everyone has a laptop / computer but everyone must have a cellphone.

Today’s cellphones, if the admin says it’s 80% like a laptop / computer function, where you can store photo files, songs, videos, documents and so on in large sizes only on a cellphone.

Technological developments like this are what we should be able to take advantage of.

Easy Ways to Restore Deleted Files on Android Phones

If the Admin describes it more broadly, the deleted file could be the one that only exists on Android without data synchronization and another file is deleted but previously it was synchronized with cloud storage.

Remember, currently HP manufacturers have offered cloud storage for free yes.

And even if you have a Gmail email account, you can be sure you will get it too cloud storage free which can be used according to your needs.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android With Apps

If at any time the files that we have are deleted either intentionally or not and actions recovery or restoring data needs to be done with a third party application.

Talking to third-party applications, after the admin tries to use 90% of these applications can only restore photo files.

And another 5% require access Root where very few are willing and able to do this.

In the last 5%, there are indeed several applications on the Google Play Store that can be used to restore various files.

But it’s a shame the files that were found can’t be clearly seen the file names until we do it restore you will see the real name.

For an easy way to restore deleted files on Android with an app, try the following steps:

1. Run the Google Play Store application and then type Recover Delete All Files, Photos and Contacts in the search field.

Then my friend install and run the application.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 1

2. Allow the Recover Deleted Files app to access photos, media and files on the device.

Choose an option ALLOW.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 2

3. Give the Recover Deleted Files application permission to access contacts, select an option ALLOW.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 3

4. Next, give the Recover Deleted Files application permission to make and manage phone calls.

Choose an option ALLOW.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 4

5. Allow the Recover Deleted Files app to access this device’s location. Choose an option ALLOW.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 5

6. When all permissions have been granted, you will enter the Recover Deleted Files application and then you can select the option Recover Files.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 6

7. The following is the appearance of the scan results on the HP internal memory used.

For the types of files that can be recovered very much, select one from the list that is displayed.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 7

8. Select the file you want to restore, it can be one-on-one and many files at once can also depend on your desire.

But because we can’t see the file names here, the admin recommends selecting multiple files at once.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 8

9. After the file is selected, then select the option Restore. The file recovery process is very fast so there is no need to wait while drinking coffee.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 9

10. If the file has been restored as in the previous step, then now we will look at the location of the file being restored.

Select app File Manager.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 10

11. Next go to Phone memory or internal memory.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 11

12. Move to tab All files.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 12

13. Scroll down and select the folder option Recover Deleted Files.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 13

14. Well, here are the appearances of the two files that the Admin previously selected during the recovery process and now we know the name and type of the file being restored.How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 14

How are you soakers? Easy and very easy are not the steps that you have to do to be able to restore deleted files on Android.

And please, my friend, practice the method above.

How to Restore Android Deleted Files On MicroSD

Although the internal memory is already large, some of us still use additional memory in the form of a MicroSD.

And Admin is also one of those who use MicroSD on Admin’s smartphone.

Unfortunately, files in the form of doc, xlx, pdf, txt, cdr, zip and other files cannot be backed up to the cloud for free from our HP manufacturers.

Therefore, you need a MicroSD to store these files.

If files stored on the MicroSD are intentionally or accidentally deleted, it is still very easy for us to restore them.

For how to restore Android deleted files on a MicroSD with the Recuva application, try the following steps:

1. Run the Browser application on your laptop, then type or click this link then my friend select the option Download Free Version.

After the download is complete, then run the application.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 15

2. Choose an option Install. Wait a few moments until the application installation process is complete.

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3. Select an option Run Recuva.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 17

4. Choose an option Next.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 18

5. Choose an option All Files continued by selecting the option Next.

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 19

6. The next step is to remove the existing MicroSD on the cellphone and then insert the MicroSD into the Card Reader.

And plug it into the SD Card slot on the laptop (for the model and type of Card Reader it can be different from the one Admin uses).

How To Recover Deleted Files On Android 20

7. Choose an option In a specific location then select option Browse.

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8. Select the location of the Card Reader that we just installed (for this selection, adjust it to your friend’s), then select the option OK.

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9. Choose an option Next.

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10. Choose an option Start, wait until the file scan process is complete.

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11. Put a check mark in the box next to File name (this will select all scanned files), then select an option Browse.

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12. Choose a location for the recovery of the files that have been selected, Admin example in Document.

Then select the option OK. Wait a few moments until the recovery process is complete.

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13. Choose an option OK.

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Well, that’s the way you have to do to restore deleted files on the MicroSD.

Admin is sure that my friend can do it.

Maybe my friend just has difficulty in procuring a Card Reader, even so the price is quite cheap, around 15 thousand at the HP counter or at a computer shop.

Additional Info How to Restore Deleted Files on an Android Phone

Here, the admin gives some additional info on how to restore deleted files on Android.

1. There are quite a number of file types that can be downloaded recovery by using the Recover Deleted Files application, including files that we often use such as photos, music, documents, videos, zip, cdr, pdf files etc.

2. List displayed during processing recover files or the file search has been completed and has been sorted by date when the file was deleted, although it is a pity that the file name and file type cannot be seen immediately.

3. For the photo file type, you can immediately see it, so it’s not too important to know the name of the photo file you want to restore.

4. Process recovery it should be done immediately when the file has been deleted and don’t wait too long for days or even have been filled with other files that might cause damage to the file you want to download. recovery.

Those were some of the ways you can do to restore deleted files on an Android phone.

Also understand the additional info from the Admin so that my friend understands more about all the explanations that the Admin has given.

Hopefully this tutorial on How to Recover Deleted Files on Android can help you.

Please also share this article on your social media. Good luck!

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