The Most Overpowered (OP) Counter Hero Mobile Legends (ML) Tips Currently
Who is the most Overpowered (OP) hero in Mobile Legends (ML) right now? The answer is Benedetta. This hero is OP because it is difficult to lock, has painful burst damage, and is easy to get in and out of teamfights.
Even this is also confirmed by AE.Ahmad (Maungzy), where Benedetta sidelane is one of the strongest heroes who does not have a natural hero counter, especially when 1 vs 1 on the lane.
This is also supported by the opinion of Instagram followers @spin_esports, the most requested method of countering this Benedetta hero.
Why is Benedetta rated Overpowered (OP)?
Yes, Benedetta is a hero that can be used as a jungler or sidelane, but lately it’s more suitable in sidelane because this hero doesn’t really need buffs so that the jungler position can be filled with assassins or other MMs.
On the sidelane, many heroes can die immediately when hit by a burst of Benedetta’s combo skill coupled with the Execute spell. Then this hero also has a passive dash that doesn’t need any mana and is easy to charge. So mechanically, Benedetta is not as difficult as using Ling, Hayabusa, or Lancelot, so to become an expert using this hero is not too difficult.
But it’s not a MOBA game if a hero doesn’t have a counter, no matter how OP the hero is in the meta. Then how about the counter tips for this OP ML hero?
How to Counter Hero Benedetta
1. Use thick heroes
These tips come from Valanyr, pro player sidelaner ladies from the Siren Moon team. Valanyr advises players to use a thick sidelane hero that can regenerate, lifesteal, or has a shield so that it cannot be killed in one combo and is strong in fist fights with Benedetta. The heroes he recommends are: Khaleed, Esmeralda, and Thamuz.
Benedetta almost 100% will choose Gold lane because the hero is very dependent on items so that the damage is felt. So you just use the heroes above and confront Benedetta on the lane.
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2. Diligently cut the minion wave on the lane, then roam
The next tip comes from Qeira, pro player sidelaner of the Aura Fire team. Qeira advises players to choose heroes who can cut minions quickly like Chou and Khaleed. You must know when the minions respawn so you can continue to cut creeps before reaching the opponent’s turret.
When you manage to cut off Benedetta’s opponent’s minion wave, you have time to actively help the mid lane. He will not benefit from having to clear the minions longer. Meanwhile, you can already help other lanes and contribute in the early game and not be killed by Benedetta.
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3. Use agile heroes
All of Benedetta’s skills had a short pause before the skill came out. This allows you to guess where Benedetta will throw her skills. So if you use agile heroes like Lancelot, Hayabusa, Ling, Kagura, and Claude you can outwit Benedetta easily. You can see the details in the video below:
4. Use Hero Burst Damage
Benedetta is a pretty soft hero, so if she is hit by burst damage, she can die immediately. But the timing of the burst damage must be very careful, don’t let it hit skill 2 (immune damage + CC), so wait until skill 2 comes out and then release your burst skills to Benedetta.
Heroes are agile and can burst like Brody, Lancelot, and Natalia are quite effective against Benedetta.
So here are 4 tips for you to counter the ML OP hero, Benedetta. Don’t forget to share these tips with your friends via social media and comment below for additional opinions.
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