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The Best Build Items for Leshrac Mid Laner Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Build the best item for Leshrac hero role Mid Laner in Dota 2, you have to try another meta build this time Guys!

For Mid Laner role players in Dota 2, surely you know about hero Leshrac? This one hero if you have entered late game very strong for heroes with primary attributes INT.

Not only that, Leshrac has 4 active skills that can destroy the opponent’s hero defense very easily. Even this hero is also very fast when doing push tower.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to tell you the best build item for Leshrac with the Mid Laner role. Come on, let’s just see what items are there, guys.

Build Items Leshrac Mid Laner Dota 2

1. Boots of Travel

Build Items Leshrac Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

For shoe items, Leshrac can use Arcane Boots first on early games. But when you enter midgame, you can replace it with Boots of Travel.

Boots of Travel would be of great use to him as Leshrac would need them to pushing lane or tower and chase the enemy.

2. Bloodstone

Build Items Leshrac Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Leshrac is a hero with a very large mana consumption because he has 4 active skills with a lot of mana usage, so he needs a Blood Stone for mana regen.

Especially in the ultimate skill that can be activated automatically, this will make Leshrac’s mana leak quickly.

3. Black King Bar

Photo: dotafire

Not only relying on the magic damage that Lesrac has, this one hero is also known to be very strong during war. That’s why he needed the Black King Bar to dispel disable spell which could easily kill him.

4. Eternal Shroud

Build Items Leshrac Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Eternal Shroud is a fairly new item in Dota 2. When activated, this item can absorb 400 magic damage that hits Leshrac and converts it into mana.

5. Shiva’s Guard

Photo: dotafire

If you feel that Leshrac’s defense is still not strong, you can make him Shiva’s Guard. This item can reduce movement and attack speed enemy when activated.

6. Scythe of Vyse

Build Items Leshrac Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Finally there is the Scythe of Vyse item which will be very helpful for Leshrac and the team when entering late games. You can easily do combos when hexing enemies using this item.

Read also: Best Build Items Zeus Mid Laner Dota 2

Well, that’s the best build item for the hero Leshrac role Mid Laner in Dota 2. Just try building meta items for this hero when playing ranked match Yes Guys!

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