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Build Items Hero Doom Offlaner Dota 2

OKEGUYS – The best build item recommendations for the Doom role offlaner hero in Dota 2, can mess up the enemy team’s defense, guys.

Besides Anti Mage, there is one hero in Dota 2 whose existence is quite frightening for the supporters, namely Doom. How can Doom be feared by the support?

That’s because Doom’s ultimate skill can burn and disable heroes for 15 seconds. A very long time to deactivate a support in a war.

Now OKEGUYS wants to tell you the recommendation for the best build item for the Doom hero with the role offlaner in Dota 2. Come on, let’s see what items are there, Guys.

Recommended Doom Offlaner Dota 2 Item Build

1. Phase Boots

Build Items Doom Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

For shoe items, Doom should use Phase Boots. Phase Boots will be very useful for acting aggressively against enemy support heroes.

Doom will also easily chase enemy heroes that you doom so as not to escape death.

2. Blink Dagger

Photo: dotafire

If you really want to play very aggressively, Doom can immediately buy Blink Dagger. Doom can also do Dagger-Stun after Devour creeps Centaur forest.

You can also easily do aiming on one hero by surprise and give him the ultimate skill when he has Blink Dagger.

3. Aghanim’s Scepter

Build Items Doom Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Aghanim’s Scepter is a pretty deadly item and a must-have for Doom. This item will provide additional duration and DPS for the ultimate Doom skill.

Added duration for 6 seconds, and +35 DPS when Doom has Aghanim’s Scepter.

4. Black King Bar

Photo: dotafire

Aggressive games will be very vulnerable to death and blunders, because as Doom it will be the opening in every war.

That way you must make a Black King Bar to withstand magic spells such as stun, silence, hex, and other spells from entering.

5. Assault Cuirass

Build Items Doom Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

As an offlaner, your hero must also give an aura effect to the team and is also useful for Doom himself. You can build Assault Cuirass which is useful for adding armor and attack speed for Doom and the team.

6. Shiva’s Guard

Build Items Doom Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Finally, for Doom core items can make Shiva’s Guard. The goal is not just to add armor for doom itself.

However, Shiva’s Guard has a passive effect that can reduce HP Regen, lifesteal, attack speed, and movement speed of enemies near Doom.

Read also: 5 Most Powerful and Tough Heroes in Dota 2

So there you have it, the recommendation for the best build item for Doom heroes with a role offlaner in Dota 2. You need to remember, support is an element that is no less important in the team, and you can knock it down easily using Doom.

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