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The Best Build Items Centaur Offlaner Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Recommendations for the best item build for the Centaur Warrunner role offlaner hero in Dota 2, tankers as well as support, guys!

Become one of the most feared Tanker heroes in Dota 2, Centaur Warrior is indeed quite deadly for the opponent.

With the thickness and amount of HP that Centaur has, making it very difficult to kill. Requires at least 3 heroes to kill it.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to let you know, this is the best build item for the Centaur role offlaner that can make you not die. Come on, let’s just see what items there are guys!

Recommendations for the Best Dota 2 Centaur Build Items

1. Phase Boots

Build Centaur Dota
Photo: dotafire

At time early game, Centaur will be very deadly and scary for heroes who are in the same lane with him.

You can build Phase Boots toharras hero carry enemies easily. You can also repay it with the Double Edge skill.

2. Blink Dagger

Photo: dotafire

Being a core item for Centaur, you must build Blink Dagger immediately so that it is easy to gank using skill 1 and get kills.

3. Crimson Guard

Build Centaur Dota
Photo: dotafire

You can upgrade the Vanguard items you made into Crimson Guard, guys. With this item you can activate it for teammates and will be very useful during war.

4. Aghanim’s Scepter

Build Centaur Dota
Photo: dotafire

In the latest meta, Centaur will be very good when making Aghanim’s Scepter because it will provide additional effects on his ultimate skill.

Stampede will block all incoming damage by 40%, allowing it to penetrate obstruction, and increase its duration by 1 second.

5. Heart of Tarrasque

Build Centaur Dota
Photo: dotafire

Becoming a mandatory item for the next Centaur, Heart of Tarrasque will make the Centaur a Steel Tank.

With this item Centaur will be difficult to kill while providing a health regen of 1.6% / sec.

6. Black King Bar

Photo: dotafire

If you have a problem with the disabler hero, you can immediately make a Black King Bar, guys. BKB will help you during war and prevent disable spells that will enter Centaur.

Read also: 5 Most Powerful and Tough Heroes in Dota 2

Well, that’s the best build item for the Centaur Warrunner role offlaner hero in Dota 2. For those of you who are offlaner players or like to use Tank heroes, just use this build in the next match, okay!

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