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3 Ways to Resize Photos / Images Online WITHOUT Losing Quality!

As time goes by, the development of technology and the tools resulting from its innovations are becoming increasingly rapid, one of which is computers. Technological developments allow you to do more and more activities using computers.

One of the activities that you can do with this media is the process of manipulating multimedia files, especially image files. One of the activities that are often carried out is resizing multimedia files or image files.

Image / photo file resizing is done so that the size is not too large but still maintains the quality of the image itself. Not only by using the editor application, you can also carry out the image resizing process directly through the resizing process service provider site.

How to Resize Photos / Images Online

In this article, we present several alternative sites that you can use to perform the online image resizing process. So you don’t need to use an application to resize the image. Immediately, see the steps on how to resize photos / images below:

1. Resize Image with

1. First activate the internet and open the browser then access the site After the main page opens, please click “Try it!


2. Next you will be directed to the upload page. On this page you will be able to upload the image file you want to resize by clicking Select File.


3. Then a browse box will appear where you will be able to select the image file you want to select the image file for. After selecting the image you want to resize, please click Open.

how to change photo/image

4. Then will automatically run the resizing process. It didn’t take long until the resized image was finally displayed. On this page you can compare several things between the original image and the resized image, such as the quality of the image that you can compare directly, the size or size of the image as well as the size percentage. You can also download or download the image by clicking the button Download Your File.


5. Next you will be directed to the browse page where you can specify the storage location for the resized file that you want to download. After specifying the location, click Save to save files.


2. Resize Image with

1. First of all please open your browser and access the site

2. After the page opens, to upload the file, you can click the upload icon as shown in the image below.

how to change photo

3. Then you will be directed to the browse page. Please select the image to be resized then click Open.


4. You will be redirected back to the main Kraken page. It’s just that you will now be able to see the file you selected at the bottom of the page. Kraken will automatically perform the resizing process as below.


5. After completing the resizing process, you will be able to see the results as below. Some of the information you can get is the original size or size of the file, the size or size of the file after being resized, the number of sizes that have been successfully reduced, as well as the percentage of file reduction or resizing. To download or download files, you can click the button Download File.


3. Resize Image with TinyPNG

1. First of all, please open the browser application on your computer and access the site TinyPNG.

2. On the main page, you will find the image below. Please click the upload icon to carry out the process of uploading the image file you want to resize.

how to resize photos online

3. Next will exit the browse box. Please select the image file you want to resize then click Open.


4. Then you will be directed to the main page. The TinyPNG site will automatically identify the image file and perform the resizing process. When finished, you will be able to carry out the download or download process by clicking on the text download.


5. You will then be directed to the box Save As. As the name suggests, at this stage you are expected to find a location that you think is appropriate to save the resized file. After finding the right location, please click Save, then the file will be stored safely.

how to resize photos online

This resizing process is often useful for those of you who need image files with good quality but are constrained by large file sizes. By doing the resizing process, your image file will have an adequate size but the quality is still good and not significantly reduced.

Those are some sites that you can use as an alternative to resize your image files. Hopefully the article on several ways to resize photos / images above is useful!

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