Jonathan Liandi's message to the public who like to try ranked heroes!
Here’s Jonathan Liandi’s message to the public who like to try ranked heroes!
In an event Empetalk with LJ, Jonathan Liandi (Emperor) gave a short message between videos to Mobile Legends players in Indonesia.
Especially for public players who like to try ranked heroes and of course it is very detrimental to players who want to rank up.
In between videos with RRQ LJ in his own show called Empetalk, Jonathan Liandi gave a message to the public players.
“Pro players just play (try heroes) in classic, you don’t have to pretend to try heroes in rank, weh public.” said Jonathan Liandi in the event Empetalk hers with LJ.
What Jonathan Liandi said is true, considering that public players in Mobile Legends are sometimes toxic, like to control, and even try heroes in ranked mode.
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Even though the ranked mode itself is the most important mode because that’s where the players will determine their low and high rank in Mobile Legends.
Which usually all players will focus on pursuing their rank as high as possible, but the players mentioned by Jonathan Liandi are very annoying.
They play a hero they couldn’t before and immediately try it in ranked mode instead of classic or custom mode first.
Hopefully, players who like to experiment with heroes in rank hear a message from Jonathan Liandi, spinners, so that they understand how important rank mode is for players who want to pursue their dreams of becoming pro players.
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