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PS5 Price in Indonesia Has Been Released, Let's Save From Now!

Playstation has officially released its new release, namely PlayStation 5, and many people are already looking for prices that will enter their respective countries.

At the time of its release, the PS 5 price has been given to the public in the form of Dollars, Euros, and other foreign currencies, excluding Indonesia.

In Southeast Asia, PlayStation seems to have a different price from the others, which will be subject to additional prices when entering our country, and others.

The release of the PlayStation 5 immediately provoked all console gamers to be able to get it, especially for collectors who must have it.

Here are the prices given by PlayStation to be available in Indonesia at this time,

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Price of PlayStation (PS) 5 in Indonesia!

PS 5 is divided into 2 editions, and each edition has a different price, namely Digital Edition and Original Edition.

Both have differences, and one of them lies in the price, because the system in the PS 5 is of course different.

PlayStation 5 Digital Edition is a PS5 that can only play games downloaded from the PlayStation Store, and cannot install games from CDs/cassettes.

So if you notice the Digital Edition doesn’t have the disks on its side, while the original edition can put a CD into the PS because it has the disks.

Prices issued are as follows:

PS5 Indonesia Price

  • PlayStation 5 Original Edition: IDR 8,799,000,-
  • PlayStation 5 Digital Edition: IDR 7,299,000,-

Also Read: 5 PS5 Games You Should Pre-Order From Now!

The release of this PlayStation 5 can also enter Indonesia, promised in January 2021, and certainly out there has been released first.

Well, there are still two more months, guys, for you guys to be able to get the PS5 according to your expectations, to be able to play lots of good games!

Let’s save from now, because the price is almost the same as buying a very good cellphone, it seems!

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