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Indonesian Esports Executive Board Officially Inaugurated

GAMEFINITY.ID, Jakarta – After going through a long process, the members of the Indonesian esports board were finally officially inaugurated under the General Chairperson of Pol. Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, SH, M.Sc.

In his speech, Budi Gunawan said that the existence of the Indonesian Esports Executive Board would bring esports in a more positive direction and be able to bring the nation’s progress in various sectors.

“Today a change happened, esports that didn’t exist before, now exists. It has even become a sport. I ask all management that we must be able to bring about change, so that they are the driving force and the motor to achieve our goals. Let’s manage our esports with love and hope,” said Bambang Gunawan at the inauguration of the Indonesian esports Executive Board.

The Indonesian esports board itself already has several work programs including:

  • Regulation: Formulation of Indonesian esports regulations.
  • Budget: Increased coaching budget to attract professional esports athletes.
  • esports Training Center and Venue esports Arena: Building an esports training center certified to international standards, and building an esports arena venue that is integrated with tourist destinations.
  • Esports competitions: Increasing esports competitions in stages in professional leagues, and holding at least 1 esports world championship event every year.
  • Digital esports platform: Development of digital esports platform including backbone with high-speed internet network.

The inauguration ceremony was also attended by several representatives from the government such as Marciano Norman as Chairman of the Central KONI, Zainudin Amali as Minister of Youth and Sports, Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo, General Chairperson of PSSI Mochamad Iriawan, and the Board of Trustees of esports Sandiaga Uno.

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