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How to Easily View Whatsapp Barcodes (Latest 2021)

The number of landline phone users in the household sector has continued to decline since WhatsApp began to be known by the Indonesian people, . Even in the business sector, many small business actors rely more on WhatsApp than landline phones because apart from being much cheaper, WhatsApp is also more flexible and convenient.

To communicate via WhatsApp, all that is needed is an internet connection so that the cost can be kept as low as possible, especially since the price of cellphones is no longer as expensive as it used to be. The many variations of low-end mobile phones with relatively cheap prices have also contributed to the decreasing public interest in subscribing to cable telephones.

In November 2021, according to information reported from the Merdeka website, as many as 83% of internet users in Indonesia were already using WhatsApp. Meanwhile, according to statistical data released by Statista in October 2021, the number of WhatsApp users in Indonesia was ranked the fourth largest in the world, while the first rank was controlled by India, followed by Brazil and the United States which ranked third and fourth.

How to View Whatsapp Barcode

Since being bought by Facebook at a very high price, which is 19 billion dollars, WhatsApp’s popularity has continued to increase until it has become a global phenomenon. This success was able to silence all those who had criticized Facebook’s decision to buy WhatsApp.

Many people just use WhatsApp as it is, but on the other hand, not a few are diligent in reading news about WhatsApp and looking for tips, tricks or guides in using WhatsApp. One of them is a guide on how to view barcodes on WhatsApp. For those of you who visit this blog to find out how to do it, we provide complete instructions on how to view WhatsApp barcodes below.

1. Open your browser, you can use Google Chrome or something else. Then type Whatsapp Web and click the link on the first page.

2. A Whatsapp barcode will appear which needs to be scanned first.

3. On your cellphone, also open the Whatsapp application then click the three dot icon.

4. After that you select WhatsApp Web.

5. Navigate to the WhatsApp barcode earlier.

6. Now you can use Whatsapp on your laptop or computer via the barcode earlier.


That’s a tutorial on how to easily see WhatsApp barcodes. Usually users need a barcode to use WhatsApp on a PC or laptop. The goal, so you don’t have to hold your cellphone back and forth while working on something on your laptop. After the barcode appears on the monitor screen, the barcode must be scanned so you have to make sure that the camera phone is still working properly. Without a camera, WhatsApp barcodes will not be readable.

The browser used to access WhatsApp on a laptop does not have to be the latest version. Whichever version is not a problem as long as WhatsApp can run properly. In addition to using a browser, you can also use the software provided by WhatsApp for Windows and Mac operating systems. Just like WhatsApp for Android, WhatsApp for desktop is also available for free.

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