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How to Check JNE Postage Quick and Easy

You can try to check JNE shipping worldwide for any package. JNE is a delivery service under the auspices of PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir which is very well known in Indonesia. In the past, to find out JNE shipping, you had to go to the outlet directly. Now you can check the JNE shipping price first before deciding to use this one delivery service. PT Tiki Lintas Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) is a company engaged in goods delivery services including customs for importing goods abroad. The company was founded in 1990 and is committed to speedy delivery and credibility to maintain and improve customer satisfaction.

JNE is headquartered in West Jakarta, but you can reach JNE anywhere because JNE already has more than 6000 JNE service locations spread throughout Indonesia. To inquire regarding JNE service complaints, you can contact the JNE call center at telephone number (+62 21) 5086 8880 or via email at You can easily check your JNE receipt to track whether your package has been sent or not.

PT Tiki Line Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Division

Check JNE Online Postage

Not only domestic deliveries that can be checked for JNE postage. You can also check JNE postage rates for overseas shipping or shipping in large quantities. Before knowing the JNE shipping list, know some of the services that JNE provides. To increase customer satisfaction, JNE itself has three main divisions, each of which is responsible for the delivery of goods for different commodities. All three also have different JNE shipping prices.

The divisions at PT Lintas Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) are JNE Express, JNE Logistics and JNE Freight. All your goods delivery affairs can be done by JNE with guaranteed security. So that JNE supports your business to run smoothly. But sometimes many people are still confused between JNE and JNT. Though both are companies that provide different shipping services.

JNE Rate For JNE Express Service

Check JNE Online Postage

JNE Express is a service from JNE that is best known by the public. Usually, JNE postage checks are also carried out for services included in JNE Express. Of course, this is because JNE Express is responsible for sending packages and documents throughout Indonesia which are commonly used by the general public. JNE shipping costs are estimated based on the distance and weight of the package. Services included in the JNE Express division include:

1. Cash On Delivery (COD) Retail

One of JNE’s services is cas on delivery (COD). The price of JNE postage with the COD or paid system is the same. This service can be used by sellers to send goods. Buyers can also be calmer and minimize fraud because payment is made when the goods have been received by the buyer.

2. Super Speed

Super speed is a JNE service that prioritizes speed. This service is perfect for those of you who need fast delivery of goods or documents according to the agreement. You can check JNE postage prices for this super fast service at customer care.

3. JNE Regular

The service most often used by the general public is JNE Regular for package delivery. Usually the person who checks the JNE postage or checks the JNE receipt with a name using the JNE Regular service. This service is valid throughout Indonesia with an estimated delivery time of 1-7 working days. So you can’t demand the speed of delivery, you have to be patient to wait according to the procedure.

4. Money Remittance

Now it’s very easy to transfer money using an ATM, internet banking or mobile banking. But you can also send money using JNE. This service is called JNE Money Remittance in collaboration with Western Union. However, there is still a JNE shipping price list for using this service.

5. JNE Pick-Up Point

Have you ever had problems sending or receiving packages that didn’t fit or took too long? JNE has a solution, namely the JNE PIPO or Pick-Up Point service. This service makes it easy for you to send or pick up packages at a closer location. You don’t need to check the JNE shipping fee for this service, because the fee is free. You just need to find out where the nearest JNE PIPO is from where you live.

Read also: Various JNE Call Center Services

JNE Postage Check Application Quickly and Easily

Easy access to communication and technology makes everything easy to do with just a gadget, one of which is the JNE postage check. Even this postage check application can not only be used for JNE, but also check J&T postage, check TIKI postage, check POS postage, check Sicepat postage to check Wahana postage. Some of these applications are:

King of Ongkir

The first JNE postage check application is RajaOngkir. You can use wordpress Fire King is whalpostage as well as a JNE package tracking application. This application can be downloaded for free on the Google Play Store which has received a rating of 4.1/5.0 and is only 2.4 MB in size. But not only JNE, this application can be used to check postage from several logistics companies such as Wahana, Pos Indonesia, JNT, TIKI, Ninja Xpress, SiCepat and many more. You can track the package through the king of shipping check receipts.


Don’t want to bother? Want everything to be done in one application? Try My JNE. You can check JNE 2021 postage, check receipts and track JNE packages. You can send packages to Surabaya and find out how much JNE Surabaya postage is easily. To find out how much the JNE Yes package costs, you need to enter data such as the type of item, length, width, height, weight, origin address and destination address the package will be sent to. However, this application is only used for JNE services including regular JNE postage checks and JNE receipt checks. If the JNE website has an error, you can call the call center service or send an email.

Check Receipt and Postage

Other applications that can be used to check JNE postage rates are Check Receipts and Shipping Fees. You can find out the details of JNT Tariff, JNE Tariff to SiCepat postage details. Another feature is a barcode scanner so you can find out shipping details just by scanning the barcode. You can also set package delivery notifications.

J&T Express

The J&T Express application cannot be used to check JNE shipping costs. This is because the application can only be used to check J&T Express shipping costs, including checking cargo shipping and knowing the origin of the shipment. You can find out the price of J&T shipping by entering some data such as personal data, package type, weight, height and package width.

Website Address To Check JNE Postage

If you don’t want to bother downloading the application, you can check JNE shipping costs through the site. There is a lot of information that you can get, one of which is checking postal receipts, checking Dakota postage, TIKI tracking and others. If you use JNE Trucking services, you can also track your package through this site. You can even ask fellow customers about the package problems you are facing. also has an application version that you can download on the Play Store.

apart from the application, you can also check JNE postage through sites that are available for free on the internet. So you don’t have to bother installing the application. Not even just JNE, you can find out SiCepat tariffs, check Lion Parcel postage, check Indah Cargo postage and other logistics companies, one of which is postage id.

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