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How to Change Language on WordPress Site to Indonesian / Other Languages

In general, WordPress uses English by default, so at least you must master passive English to be able to understand the text on a WordPress site. What is meant by passive English proficiency is the ability to listen to conversations in English and read texts that use English. Meanwhile, active English proficiency is the ability to converse and write in English.

Just to note, the terms active and passive English actually don’t really reflect the conditions in the field. The reason is, there are some people who can write in English but can’t speak fluently in that language because they never use it in conversation.

Even those who have mastered English grammar may not necessarily be able to read fluently. In reading foreign language texts, in addition to mastery of grammar, vocabulary is also very important. If you are proficient in grammar but your vocabulary is still small, especially vocabulary in the form of terms that are often used in website management, chances are you will often open a dictionary or Google Translate when editing websites in WordPress.

How to Change Language on WordPress Site

If you don’t want to open the dictionary all the time to find out the meaning of these foreign terms, you can change the language on the WordPress site from English to Indonesian.

You don’t have to worry about the quality of the translation. The sentence structure in Indonesian looks natural, unlike the quality of the translation produced by the translate software, so the sentences are comfortable to read and easy to understand. Here’s how to easily change the language on your WordPress site:

1. Login to your WordPress dashboard. After that select Settings > General.

How to Change Language on WordPress Site

2. Scroll down a bit and on the options Site Language, choose Indonesian or any other language you want.

How to Change Language on WordPress Blog

3. To save the settings, just select Save Changes.

how to change language in wordpress offline

4. Successful, your dashboard display is now in Indonesian.

dashboard display using Indonesian

For those who are not used to reading text in English, changing the language on a WordPress site can make it easier to use the platform. However, if you are used to reading English text, maybe you will feel that there are strange words when reading text on a WordPress site after you change the language to Indonesian. This usually happens when you find the equivalent of a word that is completely different from the original.

For example, the term feedback to replace the word feedback. Other terms that may also be awkward are posting which replaces the word post and editing which replaces the word editing. It will take some time to get used to all the equivalent words.

Another thing to note is that there are a number of terms that are retained in English even if you have changed the language on your WordPress site to Indonesian. You can find these terms by browsing the menus in the editor when you are editing a post.

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