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Here's How to Remote Desktop Other People's Computers (100% Work)

TeamViewer is a simple program that is also very easy to use for various purposes, especially when accessing PCs remotely using the internet or on a LAN network.

Therefore, the TeamViewer application is very suitable when used to be able to access other PCs using a LAN network or the internet. The main advantage of TeamViewer is that it can be accessed for free. That way, anyone can use it.

In this article I will explain to you how to remotely desktop other people’s computers that are already connected on a LAN network using TeamViewer.

How to Remote Desktop Other People’s Computers

By using TeamViewer, it allows you to be able to do several things such as chat, transfer files and also video call on other people’s computers, in other words you can remotely other people’s computers using your computer. The main functions when using TeamViewer are divided into 4, namely:

  • Can be used as a remote support, or in other words you can access other people’s computers by remotely and can see the appearance of other people’s computers that you are remotely.
  • Presentation, this is the opposite of the first function, where after the connection between the 2 computers, the computer that initially made the connection can display the screen on its monitor on the other PC that is being accessed.
  • Can transfer files.
  • VPNs.

If you already know the function of TeamViewer, then you can see some steps in using TeamViewer below:

1. The first step you have to do to use TeamViewer is to download the application first (download here).

2. Wait for the download process to complete.

3. Wait a few moments until the application is finished downloading. And when the TeamVIewer application has been downloaded, you can open the folder where the application is located and you can left-click twice on the TeamVIewer application installer.

How to Remote Desktop Other People's Computers with Teamviewer

4. After that, a setup box will appear from the TeamViewer application, then you can select Basic installation and then you can choose Personal /Non-commercial use on the box. And then click Accept – Finish.

TeamViewer5. Wait a while until the setup process is complete, and then you can select the menu Extras on the TeamViewer application and select Options.

6. Because this method uses a LAN network, then on the menu General, you can see in Network Settings and in options Incoming LAN connection, you choose accept.

How to Remote Desktop Other People's Computers

7. On the menu Options You can enter the Password as you wish. The trick is to click the menu Security, and then an option will appear on the Security menu. Then you can type the password you want in the menu Personal password (for unattended access). Then you can click Ok.


The methods above are ways for a PC to be remote, and the method below is a way for a computer that will remotely the computer above.

1. On the computer that will control the previous computer, then you must open the TeamViewer application available on that computer. and on Remote Control Computer, you can type the IP Address contained on the previous computer. And click Connect.
How to Control Someone Else's Computer Desktop2. After that, the Authentication box appears. Then, you have to type in the password that you set on the previous computer and click Log On.
TeamViewer3. Next you can remotely the computer you want to control. And here’s how it looks, you can notice, in the upper left corner position, there is the name of the computer that you are controlling.

That’s how or a tutorial on how to remotely desktop someone else’s computer using TeamViewer. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

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