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2 Ways to Backup BBM Chats Quickly and Easily! (Latest 2021)

Backup chat usually needed to prevent chats from being deleted. Whether it’s in the form of text, audio, photo, or video interactions, you’ll need it at any time. Term backup can also be interpreted as a file backup, so that files can be restored if accidentally deleted. Multiple apps chat also provides a feature to set backup chat user. One of them is the BBM application.

BBM stands for Blackberry Messenger, an app chat between platforms. This application can replace the SMS function in sending messages.

The difference is that BBM requires a data package or a WiFi connection to interact with other users, so that SMS rates are not charged for each message sent. In making-backup chatEven this application supports data storage of the chats that we do.

2 Easy Ways to Backup BBM Chats

Since backing up your BBM chats is very important, there is no reason not to back up your important chats so they are not easily lost and deleted. Here are the steps on how to easily backup BBM chats:

#1 Backup All Chats

1. Open the BBM application on smartphone You. Go to profile page by pressing Me in the lower right corner, and select Chats to switch to chat settings.

how to backup bbm chat

2. Next, give checklist in section Automatically Save Your Chat History. It aims to provide (backup) history chat you automatically. Chat will be backed up every 24 hours.

how to backup bbm chat on android phone

3. Afterchecklist, request confirmation backup chat you by pressing option CONTINUE to continue. Previously, you can read the information in the pop-up the order. There it is said that chat You will still be saved even if you delete it with the command End chat. If at any time you chat with the same person, then automatically chat previously will be back.

CONTINUE option to continue

4. Chat You have been backed up automatically. If you have previously followed the steps above to back up chat, then next you can do backup manually whenever you want to back up chat You. Press option Save Chat History Now to save chat that has been received until the time you press it.

how to backup chat bbm to email automatically

#2 Backing Up Certain Chats

The steps above are how tobackup all chat in your chat room. In order tobackup chat certain (one chat), I also prepared below steps.

1. Open your BBM application. On page Chats, choose which chat you will backup so you will be in your chat room with the contact you selected.

choose which chats you want to backup

2. After that, press on vertical three dots which is in the upper right corner of the screen so that several options will appear. Select and press Email Chat. This command serves to send the chat history to the social media you want.

press on the vertical three dots

3. You will then be offered various options for selectingchat backup You through social media, such as Whatsapp, Google Drive, LINE, Telegram, and others. This method also allows you to share or send history chat you to others easily.

how to backup deleted bbm chats

4. Your chats have been successfully backed up (to the app you selected).

Mem-backup chat will greatly allow you to avoid data loss. With membackup, we don’t have to worry about being erased chat on the application. We can multiply alternatives to obtain chat easily without going through the application in question. You can read or view chat on other platforms without needing to access the BBM app again.

You can apply the steps on how to backup BBM chat above so that your files are maintained. If there is something you want to ask about this, please fill in the comments column below, yes. Thank you

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