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Here's How to Leave WhatsApp Groups Without the Admin Knowing!

The more social media has appeared in recent years, the greater the curiosity about new things, especially among young people in particular. The development of technology, which is currently very fast, cannot be denied that this cannot be fully supervised 100% by the government or the community itself. Now, not a few are using social media wisely so that many are heading in a negative direction. Therefore, you must be really firm in sorting out what is right and wrong and important and not important.

In fact, you must continue to filter out the things that are useful and you really need. It is common knowledge that social media is a place to connect with friends, family, or even just stalking someone. Now, WhatsApp is now the most popular instant messaging application and is used by people to communicate with each other. This is because the use of this application is very easy even for ordinary people though.

Silaturrahmi is also scapegoated in everyday life. Groups began to appear in the name of friendship ropes. The original purpose was actually good to facilitate communication between each other. However, maybe recently the groups on your WhatsApp have run away from their original path. Not infrequently, the initial function of the group no longer exists. Some of the members may frequently spam, argue unimportantly, send content that is racial or other.

How to Leave a Whatsapp Group

Very annoying isn’t it. Have you been so disturbed? Maybe, now you are thinking of just leaving the WhatsApp group but don’t know how. Well, this article will provide a solution for you to quickly get out of a WhatsApp group that might make you even hotter. Let’s see the steps on how to leave the Whatsapp group below.

1. Open your WhatsApp application first.

2. Next open group chat that you want to leave with as soon as possible.

how to leave whatsapp group

3. Then, tap/tap on the group name area like in the image below.

how to leave whatsapp group without admin knowing

4. You will be shown about the group info and the list of members of the group. Scroll down or slide the screen to the bottom until you find the Exit group area.

Step 3 - scroll down

5. Select Exit group/Exit group as shown in the box marked below.

how to leave whatsapp group without notification

6. A dialog box will appear about your confirmation about “Do you want to leave this group?”, if you have no doubts about your decision, just go ahead select Exit or Exit.

Step 5 - Confirm ok

7. If you have followed the steps above correctly, then You have successfully left the WhatsApp group you like the image below.

how to leave whatsapp group

That’s how to get out of a Whatsapp group easily. Now, you can breathe easy. A little annoyance can be resolved easily right? Well, for that, as creatures who have been given reason by God, let’s be wise to make WhatsApp or any social media a means of communication that is beneficial for ourselves and others. So that no one feels disturbed and interferes with each other as well.

As much as possible obey the group rules that have been made and avoid words that can offend friends in the group. Participate politely in the group as a member of the civilized so that the original purpose of the group does not fade. Come on, show good manners as a civilized society so that communication continues to run well.


How to leave Whatsapp group without admin’s knowledge it’s difficult and too complicated, we have to change our Whatsapp number, then register again on Whatsapp and so on and worse, automatically you will also leave all your Whatsapp groups. Therefore, if you really want to leave a group on Whatsapp, just leave if you feel disturbed or just mute the group conversation.

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