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7 Ways to Overcome BBM Pending on Android, Prove it for Yourself!

Surely you’ve used BBM right? BBM is an abbreviation of Blackberry Messenger, which is a chat application that has been popular since the 2000s. Initially BBM was only available on Blackberry phones, but now it is available on Android and IOS.

BBM is also a chat application that is very easy to use. And the most identical of BBM is the use of PIN as ID of an account. So to be able to communicate with other people we have to invite that person and they must accept it. If so, then we can have fun chatting with them.

But there is one annoying problem that Black Messenger users often complain about so far, this problem makes the messages they want to send are often delayed or pending. Of course that makes you angry, right?

7 Ways to Overcome BBM Pending on Android

Well, here’s how to solve BBM pending on Android:

1. Must Turn Off and Restart Internet Connection

How to Overcome BBM Pending on Android

Image : portalinfo

One of the root problems that make BBM often pending is caused by problems with the internet connection that we are currently using. Therefore, the solution you have to do is disconnect and reconnect your internet connection.

You can do this by clicking on the shortcut in the notification bar. If not, you can perform the steps below:

  • First you have to open the menu Settings.
  • And you have to go to the menu Wireless Network in the Settings menu.
  • Then you can choose Mobile Network.
  • And uncheck the options Mobile Data Traffic. Wait for a few minutes and then you can check the option again.

2. Changing APN


Image : UTB Blogs

The second way to deal with pending BBM on Android is to change the settings on the APN. Well, the APN settings on our phones can also create problems, for example, entering the wrong proxy, port and so on. For that, you can overcome this by first finding the correct APN settings for the operator you are using.

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Because the APN settings on each operator are different. Therefore you have to look for it directly on the website of the operator you are using. If you have found it, then you can take the steps below to change the settings on the APN.

  • First you have to open Settings.
  • Then you have to choose the menu Wireless Network.
  • And choose Mobile Network.
  • After that select Access Point Names.
  • And finally, you can fill it with the APN settings that you got from the operator’s website that you were looking for earlier.

3. Clear Cache on the cellphone

How to Overcome BBM Pending on Android

Image : piece of info

The third way is to clear the cache on the cellphone. Cache is junk data that can eat up memory on a smartphone. And cache is also what often causes problems with BBM applications. Therefore, you have to clean it.

You can clean it with the following steps:

  • First you have to open the menu Settings.
  • Then you can choose Apps.
  • And scroll down to find BBM. If it has been found then click BBM and press the button Clear Cache.

You can also clear cache by using Clean Master application on Play Store. By using this application you can clean the cache on each application easily and easily.

4. Update your BBM to the latest version

The next way to deal with pending BBM on Android is to update it to the latest version. It could be what makes your BBM application pending because it was caused by the previous version of BBM. Therefore you have to change it to the latest version.

By updating it to the latest version, you can fix all the problems that existed in the previous version and you will be able to enjoy the best service from the BBM application.

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Well, to update BBM you can go to the Play Store, and on the Apps tab you can directly search for the BBM application. Then you have to press the update button there.

5. Restart Your Android

How to Overcome BBM Pending on Android

Image : Phandroid

By restarting your Android, it will help solve any problems on your cellphone. You can do this by long pressing the power button which is usually on the side of the Android body, and clicking the Restart button.

6. Changing the Internet Network


Image : Tokeknologi

Problems that often occur in BBM pending are also caused by a weak internet network. Therefore, you have to change your internet network from 2G to 3G or to 4G.

Because the 4G network is a very fast network today. The way to change the internet network is also quite easy, use the methods below:

  • First you have to open the menu Settings which is on your phone.
  • Then you can click Wireless Network.
  • On the Wireless Network menu, you can select Network Mode.
  • Well, in this Network Mode you can choose the network you want. The available networks are usually GSM (2G), HSDPA (3G), and LTE (4G). It is recommended that you choose the strongest network, which is 4G. In addition to getting fast access, you can save your cellphone battery.

7. Perform a Force Stop on the BBM Application

force stop

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If you have changed the network and made sure the network on your cellphone is fine but BBM is still pending. There is a possibility that the problem comes from the BBM application that you installed on your cellphone. Then the step you have to do is to force stop the BBM application. Follow the steps below:

  • First you open the menu Settings.
  • After that you click Apps.
  • Then you scroll down to find the application BBM.
  • If you have found it, you click BBM and click too force stop on the application.

Those are the seven ways to deal with pending BBM on BBM that you can do. Good luck !

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