2 Ways to See Congested Streets on Google Maps (Full+Pictures)
Google Maps is no longer a new product. From the name, Google Maps is one of the applications/services provided by the largest technology company, Google.
Google Maps is very widely used today as a guide. Road users today do not have to worry about traveling. With Google Maps, users who do not know a location can easily find the location they are looking for. By utilizing Google Maps, we can also find out our location and prevent ourselves from getting lost on the road.
How to See Congested Roads on Google Maps
The development of Google Maps is quite fast. Besides, there is virtual assistant as a guide, Google Maps also provides other features. One of them is a traffic monitor.
Utilizing the traces of users who are connected to their Google accounts, Google Maps utilizes existing data to map the smoothness of traffic. That’s why you can see the condition of traffic density on the highway.
1. Via Google Maps Site on PC/laptop browser
Here’s how to see traffic jams on Google Maps via browser on PCs/laptops.
1. Open browser You then visit the site Google Maps. After the page appears as shown below, click the down arrow followed by the words See travel times, traffic and nearby places.
2. Next, the panel display will display some information and options. Find and click option traffic Moderate traffic in this area.
3. Then, as in the image below you can click the left arrow tominimize panel.
4. After that, you will be shown a map view that is accompanied by line colored. Well, you can get traffic jam information from color line displayed. How to read it is very easy. You can pay attention to the panel Live traffic which is located at the bottom.
There are several colors, namely green, orange, red, and dark red. These colors represent line which follows the road sections on the map, which states range smoothness or speed of traffic at that location. The details include:
– Green color: smooth traffic, no traffic jams.
– Orange color: slightly heavy traffic.
– Red color: heavy traffic, congestion occurs.
– Dark red color: more traffic. The darker/darker the red, the more congested and slower the speed of traffic on the road. It can be ascertained that the road is completely jammed, it will take hours to get out of the traffic jam.
5. Well, you can also see more details by changing the Live traffic mode with Typical traffic. Click the down arrow that follows the words Live traffic as shown in the image.
6. In the Typical traffic panel there are times that you can customize. The time is in the form of days and hours. You can see the predicted congestion area on a particular road based on the day and time.
2. Through the Google Maps application on Android
As for how to see congestion through the Google Maps application on Android, among others, as follows.
1. Open the Google Maps application on your Android.
2. In the opening screen, click the layer icon as boxed in the image below.
3. After that, select the option Traffic to bring up line color on the map.
4. Well, on the next screen you will be able to see which roads are jammed. Color indicator line for the traffic jam is line which is red and red. That is, the darker the red color on the lineit, the slower the traffic on the road.
Google Maps has proven to be quite helpful in providing information about traffic conditions. With the information provided, we as road users can avoid areas with heavy traffic.
You can also apply the method above anytime and anywhere. If there are comments and suggestions regarding the discussion of how to see traffic jams on Google Maps, please include them in the comments column below. Good luck and thank you.
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