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Easy Ways to Change Android Emojis to iOS iPhone Emojis

Buddy want to change the emoji to be like the iPhone? But don’t know how? Don’t worry, we will discuss here to help you find out how to convert android emojis to iOS iphone emojis!

Emoji is an animation or image that represents a certain emotion or feeling. Not only that, the current emoji are also very much able to describe any object when the user wants to insert a pass in the chat.

Today’s smartphones, both Android and iPhone, each insert emoticons or emojis on their smartphone systems. Actually, emoji have been around since cellphones a few years ago or older models, where emoji generally use symbols or numbers.

Well, modern emojis are currently very popular with smartphone users, both old and millennial or gen Z. iPhone and Android emoji are not much different, but many users prefer iPhone emoji. If you are one of them who likes iPhone emojis, you can really see this method below!

How To Easily Change Android Emoji To iPhone Emoji

how to change android emoji to iphone iOS emoji

To change the iPhone emoji, you will use a third party or application called Zfont. This application with 10 million downloads is indeed the best in our opinion, because it is easy to use and has a lot in it.

  • First, please, my friend’s cellphone, then go to the Google Play Store and please install the application ZFont.
  • If it is already installed, please run the ZFont application.
  • Later in the Z Font application there are many emoji, colors, and writing styles that you can use. You can have a look first.
  • Next, my friend can select the emoji menu and click the latest version of iPhone emoji, namely iOS_v13.3. But you don’t have to choose this, you can also try something else if you want.
  • So, please, my friend, download the iPhone emojis
  • When the download is complete, you can select it or click Set.
  • Then a smartphone selection display will appear with a list of Android operating systems.
  • Here you can choose which smartphone you are using. For example Xiaomi, Realme, Vivo, Samsung, or others.
  • Next select the operating system that you are using such as KitKat, Lollipop (5.0-5.1.1), Marsmallow (6.0-6.0.1), Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.2), Oreo (8.0 – 8.1) and Pie OneUI (9.0), and others.
  • If you have, my friend can select Auto to more easily adjust the settings automatically.
  • Later in the window will appear permissions to access the Z font application. Please friends click Allow just to continue.
  • If you have, an option will appear to install iOS_v13.3 or another version according to the one you sent earlier.
  • Please, my friend, select Install and wait until the installation process is complete.
  • When it’s finished installing, you can click Change Font. Friends, please select iOS_v13.3 or another version that you have previously selected.
  • Next will appear a command to go to settings or settings, my friend can select the language and region.
  • Finally, my friend can directly open the chat application, can whatsapp, SMS, or others to check directly on the emoji or emoticons in messages that have changed from Android Emoji to iOS.

Also Read: Very Easy! How to Change the Look of Android to Iphone

Actually there are so many emoji and font changer applications that you can try to download on the play store. in the Play Store there are various ranging from free to paid versions. Please friends, you can try as you please.

The final word

How, easy isn’t it how to change android emojis to iOS iphone emojis? to change android font to iOS font? Please follow me buddy!

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