Complete Results of MPLI Champion's Draft, Evos Legends Vs Alter Ego!
This is the complete result of MPLI’s Champion’s Draft, Evos Legends Vs Alter Ego brought together by RRQ Hoshi!
The draw for the Champion’s Draft system at the MPL Invitational (MPLI) was officially over a few minutes ago (11/18/2021) where there were a lot of surprising things in it.
Among them are the two major Indonesian Mobile Legends teams, namely Alter Ego and Evos Legends, which must be met in the RRQ Hoshi bracket.
Aura PH vs Aura Indonesia and Onic PH Vs Onic Indonesia which will be met directly on the Bren eSports bracket and many others.
READ ALSO: Not RRQ and Evos, but Todak Moon really wants to beat this Indonesian team in MPLI
You can see the results of the MPLI Champion’s Draft draw from the photo below!

RRQ Hoshi unmitigated immediately chose Evos and Alter Ego in their bracket, it seems they want to see the two teams fight it out on the first day.
Geek Fam ID and Bigetron Alpha were also directly met by Todak in their bracket.
Then what is unique about the Bren eSports bracket is that they chose Aura PH against Aura Indonesia and Onic PH against Onic Indonesia.
(Just click on the video above, it goes straight to the minute the draft starts)
And in the last bracket, namely Burmese Ghouls, they chose Evos SG, Ronin eSports and so on to face each other and will meet them in the playoffs.
If we look at the draw of the MPLI Champion’s Draft above, there is very little chance of seeing two Indonesian teams in the final.
Because the left chart is filled by 6 Indonesian teams while the right chart is filled by only two Indonesian teams.
For those who are still confused about why AE was able to meet EVOS in the first round. You can check the rules here: This is the MPL Invitational (MPLI) Bracket Lottery System
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