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Careful! Here Are 5 Injuries Due To Too Often Playing Games

GAMEFINITY.ID, Salatiga – Playing games is indeed very fun, especially when the winstreak momentum is high. But often the excitement makes us forget the time and even the condition of our own bodies.

Although playing games is not an activity that requires a lot of body movement, it is possible that you can get injured due to playing games intensively.

Dr. Levi Harrison is an orthopedic surgeon from Glendale, California. Dr. Levi is a specialist in treating injuries from playing games. Patients range from professional gamers, gamers ages 9 to 90, and from all platforms and genres, including mobile, console, and PC.

According to Dr. Levi, the main cause of injuries from playing games is too high playing time and wrong body position when playing games.

“The main problem I found was excessive playing time. Most of my patients gaming for up to 16 hours a day, especially elite gamers.”

“They (gamers) don’t have the right ergonomic balance of their mouse and desk, they don’t have the right backrest, or they don’t know how to adjust their posture. They have to learn how to sit properly and how to place their hands and elbows properly,” said Dr. Levi.

Then Dr. Levi also explained various kinds of injuries that are often experienced by gamers and explained how to overcome them. Among others are:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a disease in which the median nerve is Carpal Tunnel wrist pressure from overuse. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS often attacks PC gamers for using the mouse for too long. Not infrequently PC game pro players like Fear or KuroKy have experienced CTS.

Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and/or pain in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and the thumb side of the ring finger. If you feel these symptoms after using the mouse for too long, contact your doctor immediately for medical treatment.

Lateral Epiconylitis (Tennis Elbow)

Lateral Epiconylitis is a microdamage to the tendons that extend across your wrist and fingers called Common Extensor Tendon. The damage originates from the part of the bone called the Lateral Epicondyle. This injury is most often experienced by mobile and PC gamers who often put their elbows on the table when playing.

Symptoms that are generally felt by patients Lateral Epiconylitis is pain on the outside of the elbow, which radiates to the forearm and wrist. Symptoms can last from 6 months to 2 years, starting with mild pain and getting worse over time.

Trigger Thumb

Trigger Thumb is a condition of swelling of the flexor tendons of the thumb that causes the tendons to become lodged in structures near the base of the hand. Trigger Thumb often experienced by console gamers and mobile gamers who often use their thumbs.

Affected gamers Trigger Thumb Usually feel the thumb feels stiff and difficult to move. Then a lump appears on the palm of the hand precisely at the base of the thumb.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is irritation ulnar nerve Inside the Cubital Tunnel on the elbow. If the ulnar nerve becomes irritated in this area due to pressure, inflammation, or stretching, a variety of symptoms will occur. Reason Cubital Tunnel Syndrome almost the same as Tennis Elbow where gamers often bend the elbow so that inflammation occurs.

Various symptoms that appear when you are exposed Cubital Tunnel Syndrome are pain, tingling, and weakness in the forearm and some fingers, and difficulty moving the elbow.

Upper Crossed Syndrome

Upper Crossed Syndrome is a postural imbalance that occurs in the upper back muscles, chest muscles, and shoulder joints. This condition is often caused by sitting too long and will be exacerbated by: poor posture due to the position of playing games that are too bent.

Symptoms experienced by the patient Upper Crossed Syndrome is pain in the neck, shoulders, shoulders and back. Then the patient will also feel uncomfortable to sit still for a long time.

Yup, that’s a variety of injuries that are often experienced by gamers. As gamers, maintaining health and fitness is very important so that we always play the games we love. Reduce playing time that is too long, do more exercise and rest if you feel tired when playing games.

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