What is Revamp Hero Mobile Legend? Here's the Explanation
What is Revamp Hero – In the world of games there are lots of words that sound foreign or even strange to the ears of ordinary people.
Those who have just entered the world of games must also often wonder about the terms that are often used in games.
One of the terms in games that is often heard is revamp hero. You may often hear the word revamp hero from gaming youtubers. However, do you know the true meaning of the term revamp hero?
For those of you who are curious about the meaning of revamp hero, then you can read this article well. Because it is very important to understand the special terms that are often used in the game world.
What is Revamp Hero?
Revamp is an English word which means to change. In the world of games, revamp hero means a change in the appearance, skills, or stats of a hero.
So if there is a revamped hero, the hero will experience changes in appearance, skills, or stats.
Revamp is usually done to improve hero performance. That’s why heroes who are revamped will usually have better skills and appearances.
That’s why revamp is usually given to heroes with less performance who are rarely used in a game.
Revamp Old Hero Mobile Legends
For you fans of MOBA games, you must be familiar with games Mobile Legends. The game that was released in 2021 is reportedly going to revamp the hero.
This hero revamp will be carried out on old heroes in Mobile Legends. Reportedly the revamp of this old hero will be out in patch 1.4.90.
The old heroes that will be revamped by Moonton are Eudora, Layla, Miya, Zilong, Badang, Saber, and also Alucard. The revamp carried out by Moonton is expected to increase the interest of Mobile Legends players towards these heroes.
Because these heroes are often underestimated by many Mobile Legends players.
Enough articles that we can convey about revamp hero. Hopefully this article can answer your questions about what a revamp hero is.
Welcome to the old hero revamp for those of you who play Mobile Legends games!
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