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Here's How to Update Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

How to Update Animal Crossing Pocket Camp – Who doesn’t know the legendary game Animal Crossing? The game, which was originally only available on the Nintendo Switch platform, is now starting to spread its wings on the mobile platform.

Through Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, you can now participate in tasting the game through your smartphone.

To be able to download the game Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is not as easy as you download games in general. Because on some devices this game will not appear if searched through the Google Play Store.

How to Update Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
How to Update Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

Even so, this did not dampen the interest of gamers to try out the Animal Crossing Pocket Camp game.

Various ways have been done so that gamers can still enjoy the game Animal Crossing Pocket Camp.

Some install the apk version directly, but some use a VPN to download Animal Crossing Pocket Camp through the Google Play Store.

After the download process is not as easy as usual, now some players are faced with a new problem, namely regarding updates. But you don’t have to worry. Because we will help you solve the update problem in the game Animal Crossing Pocket Camp.

This game has released its latest update, namely Animal Crossing Pocket Camp version 3.3.0. There are some people who have difficulty updating to version 3.3.0.

How to Update the Latest Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

For those of you who experience a similar problem, then you can read how to update Animal Crossing Pocket Camp below:

  1. Open the Animal Crossing Pocket Camp game on your phone.
  2. When you enter the game, there will be a notification asking you to update. You can press the Check Store button to update.
  3. After you press the Check Store button, you will be directed to the Google Play Store. You can directly press the update button to update Animal Crossing Pocket Camp.
  4. Log back into the Animal Crossing app. If there is still a notification telling you to update, then you can press the Problem With Updating button to see the update guide.
  5. For those who can’t, then you can go to the Google Play Store. Press the menu button, then select My Apps & Games.
  6. In the updates menu, the Animal Crossing Pocket Camp game will appear. Just press the update button to start updating.
  7. After the update is complete, you can immediately open Animal Crossing Pocket Camp.
  8. If the steps above still don’t work, then you can try to change the email used on the Google Play Store. After that, do the update via the Play Store like the steps above.

That’s the way to update Animal Crossing Pocket Camp that you can follow. That’s all for the article that discusses the Animal Crossing Pocket Camp update, good luck and good luck!

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