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Build the Sickest Item Lifestealer Carry Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Build the sickest item for the Lifestealer role carry hero in Dota 2 which you can really try for ranked matches.

Are you a player Dota 2 with role carry? If so, you must have played the Lifestealer hero or often called N’aix.

Lifestealer is one of the many mero carry which is quite scary, guys. As the name implies, he has a very strong passive lifesteal skill.

In addition, the Rage skill that has the ability to spell immunity is also a Lifestealer’s strength as a carry hero.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to tell you all, the recommendation for building the sickest item for Lifestealer role carry that you can try during a match. Check this out!

Build the Most Sick Lifestealer Dota 2 Item

1. Phase Boots

Build Items Lifestealer Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Lifestealer has a good reason why he has to use Phase Boots to position his shoe items, guys.

That’s because Lifestealer requires damage and also speed to catch up to opposing heroes who are trying to escape.

2. Desolator

dota lifestealer build items
Photo: dotafire

In the latest meta, many recommend that the second item from Lifestealer should immediately make Desolator, Guys.

That’s because Desolator provides additional damage that is quite large for Lifestealer, besides that this item can provide armor reduction on the hit target.

3. Echo Saber

Build Items Lifestealer Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Not only damage, Lifestealer also needs items that can speed up hits.

You can make an Echo Saber because it will give you a passive skill that can do 2x hits on the first hit.

4. Abyssal Blade

dota lifestealer build items
Photo: dotafire

Then you can immediately make the Abyssal Blade which is the core item for Lifestealer.

The Abyssal Blade will not only provide good damage and defense for Lifestealers, but this item also has a stun skill that you can use when in war or kidnapping.

4. Assault Cuirass

Photo: dotafire

If you feel that Lifestealer still lacks defense, then you can make Assault Cuirass, guys.

Assault Cuirass will give you great attack speed and armor, and give your aura also for team heroes near you.

5. Black King Bar

Build Items Lifestealer Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

If the spell immunity in the Rage skill is still lacking because it only lasts 6 seconds, you can really create a Black King Bar to further strengthen the Lifestealer.

The Black King Bar will give you a spell immunity bonus which will be very useful when in battle.

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So that’s it Guys, the most painful build item for the Lifestealer hero in Dota 2. Just try to build this item when ranked match Yes Guys!

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