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5 Tips for Playing Ogre Magi Hard Carry in Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Tips for playing the Ogre Magi hero role hard carry in Dota 2, can make your enemy team run out Guys.

Player Dota 2 who doesn’t know the Ogre Magi hero? One of the melee support heroes in Dota 2 is included as the strongest support.

Ogre Magi has a very large INT attribute base in the beginning. Not only that, his HP, armor, to the damage he has are also very large and strong.

It’s no wonder that until now there are still many players and also Pro-players using Ogre Magi in matches.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to tell you 5 tips for playing Ogre Magi hard carry that will make your enemies run away in fear. Come on, let’s just look at the tips Guys.

5 Best Tips for Playing Ogre Magi Hard Carry in Dota 2

Tips for Ogre magic Carry Dota 2
Photo: Dailymotion

1. Take Mid Lane

The first thing you have to do is play in the mid lane. Loh it says hard carry, but why in the mid? Trust me if you do this in safe lane, your plan will be ruined.

Let your team also have other carry heroes, and you remain a mid laner as well as a carry. There’s still another thing you have to do guys.

2. Build Strong Early Game Items

After being in the mid lane position, make sure you also make a Bracer item to fight against your enemy’s mid hero.

You also have to make Hand of Midas items that will speed up your farming. Hand of Midas will also still be useful until the late game, guys.

3. Mobiling and Farming

Don’t forget to also mobilize and help other lanes that are in trouble. With you winning a few small wars will make you win levels and GPM.

4. Item Core Scythe of Vyse

Have you ever imagined being able to hex 4 heroes at once? Ogre Magi can use items that have target skills that have a chance to come out 2-4 times at once.

Including the Scythe of Vyse and the Hand of Midas. That’s why you have to make these 2 items immediately.

5. Don’t Be Afraid!

The last tip that you must apply when you match using Ogre Magi hard carry is don’t be afraid!

Don’t be afraid to go forward or use Ogre Magi in the mid lane. Remember you have a lot of HP, armor, and damage so you can casually advance without fear of death.

Read also: 5 Most Difficult Dota 2 Heroes to Play

Well, that’s it Guys 5 tips that you can do when using Ogre Magi with a hard carry role. Make sure you practice these tips when match public or ranked, guys!

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