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Best Items Build Hero Beastmaster Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Build the best and updated items for the latest meta Beastmaster hero in Dota 2.

On patch 7.28 game Dota 2, the Beastmaster hero had attracted the attention of players because he was meta as an offlaner figure that overwhelmed the opposing team.

How not, when the patch Beastmaster gets a buff for his Aghanim’s Scepter effect. Plus the Necronomicon item that makes him very troublesome for the opposing team.

Until finally he got a nerf on patch 7.29 and had to adapt to his new meta. Now OKEGUYS wants to tell you the latest build from Beastmaster.

Come on, let’s just see how to build items for this 7.29 patch, check this out!

Beastmaster Dota 2 Best Item Build Recommendations

1. Boots of Travel

beastmaster dota 2 best build items
Photo: dotafire

For shoes, Beastmaster can use Boots of Travel to perform tasks such as pushing lane and do the mobilization.

With this item, he will be able to do teleport on creeps and also adds a large movement speed.

2. Solar Crest

Build Items Beastmaster
Photo: dotafire

The next item you can make a Solar Crest for Beastmaster defense, and also attack the opponent’s hero.

Solar Crest can be used on team heroes and will add armor. On the other hand, if you give it to an enemy hero, the armor will decrease.

3. Blink Dagger

Build Items Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Beastmaster can also do element of surprise, with his ultimate skill. With Blink Dagger you can use Roar to kidnap or during war.

4. Rich and Sange

Kaya and Sange Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

You will also need items that can give Beastmaster stats quite a lot and are strong.

Kaya and Sange can be your choice, because it will add STR and INT attributes, as well as a number of passive effect other.

5. Aghanim’s Scepter

beastmaster dota 2 best build items
Photo: dotafire

Aghanim’s Scepter will be Beastmaster’s ultimate item, which will turn the game state into a bit of a bit of fun.

This item will make your Wild Axes skill not have cooldown, and will add stacks damage amplification also.

6. Assault Cuirass

beastmaster dota 2 best build items
Photo: dotafire

Lastly, Beastmaster also needs items that can support himself and his team. Therefore Assault Cuirass is the best choice for this context.

This item will give an aura effect, and will add armor and attack speed for heroes around Beastmaster.

Read also: Best Build Items Carry Nature Prophet Dota 2

Well, that’s the best build item for the Beastmaster hero in Dota 2 for this latest patch. Make sure you use this build when ranked match and get MMR +25 tonight.

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