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Best Build Items Zeus Mid Laner Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Build the best item for Zeus hero role Mid Laner in Dota 2, mid lane players just try to build this one guaranteed +25.

For players who like to play in the mid lane, maybe they use it very often or meet Zeus when the match is on Dota 2. Indeed, Zeus is one of the heroes who looks easy even though it is quite difficult.

Zeus who has 3 active skills with burst damage it’s really very strong early game – mid game. But when you enter late game it will be very difficult to play.

So that you can win matches when you use this hero, you should follow the best build items for this Zeus role Mid Laner. Let’s just take a look, what items are there, guys?

Best Item Build Zeus Dota 2

1. Arcane Boots

Build Items Zeus Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Zeus is a hero with a very large mana consumption, especially in the early game. You need Arcane Boots to fill it without having to return to base.

You will really need this item because Zeus will have a lot of trouble doing this creeping in the beginning with very small base damage. Therefore you will use skill 1 to farming.

2. Aether Lens

Photo: dotafire

This one hero has cast range which is very bad, so you should quickly make an Aether Lens so that it can perform skills from a considerable distance.

3. Veil of Discord

Photo: dotafire

If you want to play aggressively using Zeus, you can create a Veil of Discord. This item will lower magic resistance quite a big enemy.

This will certainly make Zeus’ skills even more painful when targeted at heroes affected by this item.

4. Aghanim’s Scepter

Build Items Zeus Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

In some gameplay, sometimes there are a number of players who make Aghanim’s Scepter as fast as possible for Zeus.

That’s because Aghanim’s can provide additional skills for Zeus, namely Nimbus. Nimbus can be directed throughout the map and provide mini stup to heroes in the Nimbus area.

5. Bloodstone

Build Items Zeus Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Zeus can’t just rely on Arcane Boots if you’ve entered the late game, you need items that can keep your mana from running out.

Bloodstone is the right item for this problem. This item will give a large mana regen, and the regen gets bigger when killing other heroes.

6. Octarine Core

Build Items Zeus Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Octarine Core can be the next late game item that you can make for Zeus. This item will reduce all Zeus skill cooldowns by 25%.

Read also: Best Build Items Grimstroke Support Dota 2

So there you have it, build items for the Zeus hero role Mid Laner in Dota 2. Just don’t think about using this build item when ranked match tonight, guys.

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