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5 Tips to Win a Match Using Earthshaker Dota 2

OKEGUYS – 5 tips to win matches using Earthshaker Dota 2 that you can use and you should know!

Who likes pick Earthshaker when playing Dota 2? Earthshaker is actually a hard-to-easy hero to play.

But if you already know how to maximize the power of Earthshaker, he can make sure your team wins in every war.

Earthshaker is also known as a hero with the most lethal area skill, namely Echo Slam which can make a mess of enemy defenses.

Now OKEGUYS wants to tell you the tips for winning the match if you pick Earthshaker in Dota 2. Let’s just look at the tips Guys.

Great Tips to Win Matches Using Earthshaker in Dota 2

Dota 2 Earthshaker Tips
Photo: Steam

1. Pay attention to the role you use

For those of you who don’t know, Earthshaker can be placed in several roles such as mid laner, support, offlane, to carry.

Also make sure you have mastered the role you want to use. If it’s a carry/mid laner, you can optimize skills 2 and 3. If it’s support, you can mobilize and kidnap.

2. Bottle/Soul Ring

Earthshaker has very little mana in the early game, but requires a lot of mana usage.

You have to choose wisely between buying Bottle or Soul Ring items. Each item has advantages and disadvantages, so it depends on your situation.

3. Immediately Build Blink Dagger

Blink Dagger is the ultimate item that must be owned by Earthshakers. Whatever role you are using, Blink Dagger must have it.

You will find it difficult to Echo Slam, kidnap, or escape when you don’t have a Blink Dagger.

4. Don’t Forget Aghanim’s Scepter

Additional skills when Earthshaker has Aghanim’s Scepter will also be very useful until the late game.

Earthshakers can jump quite far and can be used to attack or escape from battle.

5. Combo Wombo

If you play in a team, you can do deadly wombo combos with your teammates.

You can recommend your teammates to use Magnus, Enigma, Ax, Dark Seer, or Tiny heroes to do the latest combo with Echo Slam.

Read also: 5 Most Difficult Dota 2 Heroes to Play

Well, those are Guys 5 tips that you can use to win the Dota 2 match when you pick Earthshaker. Make sure after this you use the following tips to win at push rank!

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