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Best Build Items Lich Support Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Build the best item Lich hero role support in Dota 2 that you can use for ranked match tonight!

Player Dota 2 especially those who often use hero support must know about the Lich hero? This hero whose ultimate skill is quite annoying is easy to use, guys.

Not only his ultimate skill, the other three skills that Lich has also really support him as a support hero who has magic damage this big.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to tell you all, build items for Lich role support that you can use for ranked match. Come on, let’s just see what items there are guys!

Best Build Items for Lich Dota 2

1. Guardian Greaves

Build Items Lich Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Remember your role is Support, so it’s a good idea to focus on the team first. You can make Guardian Greaves when the game is mid game.

But in the beginning, you can first make Arcane Boots and also Mekansm. You just upgraded to Guardian Greaves.

2. Eul’s Scepter of Divinity

Build Items Lich Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

After Guardian Greaves, you can immediately make Eul which will be very useful for capturing enemy heroes or for avoiding skill targets.

3. Aeon Disk

Photo: dotafire

In this latest meta, Aeon Disk is one of the must-have items for a supporter. Lich who is very weak and easy to kill must immediately make this one item.

Aeon Disk will be automatically activated after a certain amount of damage is entered on your hero. This item will withstand all incoming damage when active.

4. Aghanim’s Scepter

Photo: dotafire

Then you can immediately make Aghanim’s and make the Sinister Gaze skill that Lich has can attract the opponent’s hero in Area.

This skill is quite lethal, Guys, to catch a very deadly core or hero on the opposing team.

5. Refresher Orb

Build Items Lich Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Next there is the Refresher Orb which is a mandatory item that you have next. You can make 2 Chain Frosts at once when the war is big.

6. Scythe of Vyse

Build Items Lich Dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Being the last core item a Lich could have, the Scythe of Vyse made a good choice for Lich. You will easily catch enemy heroes using the hex of this item.

Read also: Lina Mid Laner Dota 2’s Best Item Build

So that’s it, the best build item for Lich role support heroes in Dota 2 that you can use Guys. To the point copy build and get +25 tonight huh!

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