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Apparently this is the minimum salary for pro players in MPL Indonesia

Apparently this is the minimum salary for pro players in MPL Indonesia. The esports ecosystem in the world, especially in Indonesia, has always experienced a fairly drastic increase from year to year.

Playing video games is now no longer underestimated, even there are many children or teenagers who have dreams of being pro players, especially in Mobile Legends.

Not without reason, being a pro player becomes tempting because you can get a lot of money from salaries, sponsors and others, even though the effort and hard work of being a pro player is also great.

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But surely you are curious about how much the salary of pro players in Mobile Legends, especially for those who become Indonesian Mobile Legends Professional League (MPL) players.

Lius Andre as the former Esports Manager of Moonton Indonesia in Empetalk revealed the minimum salary for MPL Indonesia pro players.

“Initially Moonton did not set a minimum salary, but in MPL there is. Well, let me say that the minimum is 5.4 (million), even that is above the Jakarta UMR. If I’m not mistaken, it was shared when at the press conference season 4 the first franchise league was mentioned how much.

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So that is the minimum salary, so the good players are definitely above that, if not how are they interested in playing, “explained Lius Andre.

Of course, if you play well and become the team’s mainstay, then you will get above that minimum and income from sponsors will also be there.

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