5 Ways to Use Telegram on Android Phones (Complete+Pictures)
Telegram is an instant messaging application that is similar to other frequently used chat applications such as Whatsapp. Uniquely, Telegram uses a base cloud in operation so that sending messages can be said to be faster and lighter. These advantages make this application also does not take up device storage space at all.
Telegram also provides access services on various types of devices. You can access it via the web on your desktop/PC, up to the application on the smartphone and tablets. Unlike Whatsapp, which requires the application to be in an active state, Telegram is based on cloudit can still be accessed without needing to check the active state on other devices.
How to Use Telegram on Android Phones
In the following I will explain the steps of several ways to use telegram. These methods include installing Telegram, starting conversations, adding contacts, deleting chats, and editing profiles.
1. Telegram Installation
The steps for installing Telegram are as follows.
1. Download Telegram on your Google Play Android application. Then, wait for the installation process to complete.
2. Open the Telegram application. On a screen like this, click the button START MESSAGING.
3. Enter the number WL you in the column provided. Click the tick icon in the upper right corner of the display to continue.
You should note, the Telegram application requires a number of permissions to access some things on your Android, such as contacts, messages, storage, and so on. To pop-up that appears to confirm the permissions you can choose an option ALLOW to connect it.
4. After entering the number WL, then you are asked to enter the verification code that Telegram has sent in the form of an SMS to your number. Enter the code in the column provided and then click the tick icon.
If you do not receive the message, you can repeat it by clicking on the text Didn’t get the code which is blue. Or if you want to confirm the number WL what you entered is correct or not, you can click writing Wrong number? which is also blue.
5. Next, Telegram will ask for permission to access your contacts. This will make it easier for you to connect with your friends who have Telegram accounts. For that, select CONTINUE.
Well, your Telegram can be used. Happy exploring.
2. Starting a Conversation
The way to start a conversation or chat with one of your Telegram contacts is as follows.
1. On the Telegram home page, click the pencil button in the lower right corner of the screen as shown in the image below. Alternatively, you can also directly search for your friends’ contacts by clicking on the search icon in the upper right corner of the display.
2. After you click the pencil button on the previous page, you can search for your contacts on this page by clicking on the search icon as shown by the picture. Alternatively, you can search for your contacts manually by doing scrolling contact list provided.
3. Once you find the friend’s contact you want chat, click on the contact so you will immediately be on chatroom like in the image below.
You can send messages in the form of text, images, stickers, sounds, and so on. Several other options you can make by clicking on the options menu which is symbolized by the horizontal three-dot icon located in the upper right corner of the display.
4. The image below shows some of the options available when clicking the selection icon. There are several features such as calling/calling, deleting chats, turning off notifications, and searching for words.
3. Adding Contacts
The steps to add contacts on Telegram are as follows.
1. Open Telegram, so the start page will appear as shown below. Click the button that has a pencil icon in the lower right corner of the view.
2. After that, click on the plus icon as shown in the image below to add a contact.
3. Next, you can fill in the contact name and phone number that has been connected to Telegram. Finish filling, click the tick icon in the upper right corner of the display.
The contact was successfully added. You can check it in your contact list on the previous page.
4. Delete Chat
Here are the steps to delete chats/conversations on Telegram.
1. If you want to delete directly from the chat list on the first page, you can click and hold for a while on the conversation you want to delete.
2. After that, several options appear at the bottom of the screen. One of the options is Delete. Click to delete the chat.
3. Next, you will find a pop-up Confirm deletion for the chat you want to delete. Click OK if you are sure to delete it.
Your conversation has been successfully deleted. As for other ways to delete chats, you can do as I explained in how to start a conversation on Telegram. In the chat room or chatroom available options, one of which is to delete the chat.
5. Editing Profile
The way to edit profile on Telegram is as follows.
1. On the Telegram home page, click the menu icon located in the upper left corner of the display.
2. Then, in the display as shown below, click on options Settings.
3. After that, you will find your detailed profile information and some settings that you can explore more. On this page, you can change/change your profile photo, number WL, your username, and your bio. Other settings such as notifications and sounds, privacy, security, data usage, chat room background, and so on can also be set according to your wishes.
There are several ways that you can try with the Telegram application. Hopefully useful and good luck with the tutorial on how to use Telegram above. Thank you.
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