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5 Most Dota 2 Heroes Can Do Combos

OKEGUYS – Here are 5 heroes in Dota 2 that can fit into any combo, some of them are even really deadly, guys.

Until now, Dota 2 already has hundreds of unique heroes with various abilities and strengths that differ from one another.

With the advantages and disadvantages of each hero, when joined and united in a team will produce a perfect composition during the match.

No less unique, it turns out that there are some heroes who are easy to do combos even though they are not united with their combo partners.

Wow, what kind of heroes are you guys? Come on, let’s just look at the 5 Dota 2 heroes that can fit into all combos.

Most Dota 2 Heroes For Combo

1. Dark Seer

The first Dota 2 hero that is easy to give combos is Dark Seer. Dark Seer will use his skill called Vacuum to do combos.

Enemy heroes contained within area of ​​effect from the Vacuum will be directly sucked into the center. That way it will make it easier for our team to kill and provide other skills.

2. Dragon Siren

The next hero is Naga Siren who easily gives combos when your team also has other combo heroes.

Dragon Siren with Song of Sirens will make enemy heroes sleep for a while. While sleeping, that’s the opportunity for your team to prepare deadly attacks and other combos.

3. Elder Titan

Hero Combo Dota 2
Photo: Steam

Being a hero who has recently become the 4th post in each tournament, Elder Titan is indeed very situational when facing all kinds of conditions.

Not only strong, Elder Titan has skill 1 and ultimate which when used at the right timing can be very deadly. Skill 1 is also very useful if you want to do combos with other heroes.

4. Faceless Void

Besides being easy to use, combos with Faceless Void have a great chance of success.

Void only needs to use the Chronosphere correctly and hit several heroes at once, so it is certain that other combos will also easily hit enemy heroes.

5. Enigma

The last and at the same time the deadliest, the Enigma hero with his ultimate skill, Black Hole.

Black Hole will be very deadly if used with the right timing and situation or during war. This skill will fully disable the hero who is sucked in by the Black Hole.

When the enemy hero is hit by a Black Hole, then teammates will easily do another combo Guys.

Read also: 5 Most Difficult Dota 2 Heroes to Play

Well, those are the 5 easiest heroes to do combos in Dota 2. Have you never used the heroes above? If not, you should try it and coordinate with the team to produce a deadly combo.

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