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5 Great Tips for Playing Tiny Post 4 in Dota 2

OKEGUYS – These are 5 great tips that you can do when playing Tiny post 4 hero in Dota 2, to be rich in Xepher T1 Guys.

Are you a Pos 4 role player or soft support at Dota 2? If so, you really have to be able to play the Tiny hero.

This stunner hero who has very painful damage can actually play a mid laner or support role. But this latest meta, Tiny is more often in Post 4.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to tell you 5 tips that you can treat when playing Tiny hero in Post 4. Come on, let’s see what the tips are, Guys.

5 Great Tips for Playing Tiny Post 4 in Dota 2

Tips for playing Tiny Dota 2
Photo: Steam

1. Don’t be far from the Mid Laner

As Tiny soft support or Pos 4, don’t be far from your mid laner hero. This is because the mid laner will be vulnerable to being hit by a gank and dying.

Leave when it is necessary or want to move to another lane. Don’t forget to coordinate with the mid laner first.

2. Mobiling to Safe Lane

If you want to mobilize, prioritize going to the safe lane, because there will be three of you there with a carry and hard support.

Tiny as a disabler hero, it will be very easy to kill when mobilizing. Don’t waste the opportunity when you’re mobilizing to the safe lane.

3. Aim for Weak Heroes

Known as the sickest stunner hero, Tiny can easily kill weak heroes such as support.

With the combination of Avalanche and Toss skills, it is certain that a support will die or die.

4. Make Sure to Build Blink Dagger Immediately

Blink Dagger is a mandatory item for Tiny, whether it’s a carry or support role. Blink Dagger will make it easier for you in terms of mobility and also kidnapping.

5. Watch And Learn from Pro-Player

The last tip that OKEGUYS gives is that you have to learn from the gameplay of a Pro-Player Dota 2 in role support, such as Xepher which is a support player from Indonesia.

Xepher has explained its gameplay several times when playing Tiny heroes in Post 4 or role support.

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Well, those are 5 tips that you can do when playing using the Tiny post 4 hero in Dota 2. Make sure you also learn from the good guys, and you apply it to your tier rank.

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