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5 Best Jungler Champions December 2021 at LoL Wild Rift

5 Best Jungler Champions December 2021 at LoL Wild Rift

With a large selection of Champions around 50 Champions, many players can take advantage of their favorite Champions in the new Summoner’s Rift.

Some of the biggest changes in Wild Rift include a smaller map, lower cooldown timer, and altered Champion abilities.

While not all champions have been changed, some have undergone significant changes to suit the new map.

One thing that remains the same is the need to fill all roles in the team. This includes having a jungler.

Champion junglers level up from killing monsters between lanes before launching attacks on enemies in those lanes to help teammates secure kills.

Although the number of junglers is currently limited in the game, there are some great options to choose from.

Best jungler champion to choose in Wild Rift

Master Yi


Master Yi has been a strong pick in League of Legends for years. Until now it is also one of the best choices in Wild Rift.

With his incredible speed and healing abilities, Master Yi can often do a lot of forest clearing and ganks without needing to return to base.

Once he got his ultimate ability, Yi was the king of dueling. For many Champions in the game, it’s impossible to defeat him at close range, especially considering the Alpha Attack ability that closes the distance quickly.

One of the easier to play Champion junglers, Master Yi is a great choice for new players.

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Teams often need Champion tanks to have the best chance of winning team battles. If your top lane chooses a different Champion style, then Amumu is a good choice as a tank jungler.

This ability-based champion may not have the fastest damage output, but his ability to close the distance and deal damage over time makes him dangerous, especially in the late game.

Amumu is perfect for locking team fights with his ultimate ability that amazes all enemies around him.

If you’re looking for an outright Champion that can be built with long lasting durability, Amumu is worth considering.

Lee Sin


If you are looking for a challenging Champion who can be very strong, Lee Sin is the Champion for you. Given the difficult controls for Wild Rift, using skills isn’t always the easiest thing to do.

But for Lee Sin, using skills easily was the core of his strength.

With the ability to quickly close distances and flee, Lee Sin is perfect for getting in and out of combat quickly while also having enough damage to take down enemies quickly.

The Champion’s ultimate ability in synergy with his other skills allowed him to quickly isolate targets and separate them from their team, giving Lee Sin and his team an advantage in team battles.

Xin Zhao


One of the simpler jungler Champions, Xin Zhao is the Champion you can choose from.

This champion is able to approach enemies quickly and slow them down with his abilities. The crowd-control options he gives make his gank effective.

Although he can’t always take down enemies in the early game, when he’s with his teammates, he can easily secure takedowns.

Xin Zhao is one of the easiest junglers to play, and for new players, he’s a great option to try.



Entering the lane quickly and eliminating the enemy is the essence of a jungler’s responsibility. Using Evelynn gives you easy entry and escape lanes because she is not always visible to the enemy.

With the ability to become invisible, Evelynn can also slow her targets down with attacks and quickly destroy them with a combination of her other abilities.

While enemies will see it coming with a border appearing on their screen, it’s often not noticed by newer players.

Evelynn is the perfect Champion to outwit and defeat enemies. Even though he started with less damage. But once Evelynn gets enough items, Evelynn starts dealing devastating damage and can potentially kill multiple Champions.

The key is to pick up the right fights in the early game. It could ensure Evelynn and her team excel in gold and be able to build more powerful items.

Those are some of the best Champion junglers to choose from in LoL Wild Rift right now.

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