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2 Ways to Upload Files in Dropbox Via PC/Laptop and Android Phone

Dropbox is a cloud-based storage service founded in 2007 by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi. Just like similar storage services, such as Google Drive, OneDrive and others, this service also provides free and paid storage services.

Today, technology is increasingly becoming a daily necessity, cloud-based or cloud-based storage systems are becoming one of the solutions for storing, backing up data and so on. Although the technology in Dropbox is still far behind by similar storage services, namely Google Drive, Dropbox is still a good choice for storing files or documents.

This award-winning storage service since the founding of Dropbox is available on multiple operating systems on multiple platforms. Among them are Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, iPhone, iPad, WebOS and Blackberry. Unlike Google Drive which provides up to 15GB of free storage, for a free or free account on Dropbox it only provides up to 2GB of capacity.

The activity of storing files or documents is now very much needed for everyday life. One of the uses of Dropbox is as a backup of existing data. So if a file or document on one device is damaged, lost or data is left behind, then there is still a copy of the data in the cloud or Dropbox cloud. Therefore, we recommend uploading files to the Dropbox storage service. How do I upload files in Dropbox? In this article, we will explain step by step uploading or saving files in Dropbox via PC or computer and Android phone.

How to Upload Files in Dropbox Via PC/Laptop and Android Phone

For those of you who don’t have a Dropbox account, prepare a Google email or an email other than Google. Before uploading files in Dropbox, make sure you are connected to the internet so that the file upload process can be successful. Let’s see how to upload files on Dropbox via PC or Android below:

#1 Upload Files in Dropbox Via PC / Laptop

1. Open your browser > Type the following link in the url field of your browser:

2. After entering the dropbox page, if you haven’t registered an account, please register for a dropbox account first. You can register by email or with Google. However, if you already have an account, select Sign in to your account.

  how to upload files on dropbox

3. Enter e-mail and password You > Click the Sign In button or Login.

Step 3 - enter email and password

4. After successfully logging into your Dropbox account, please select Upload file on the top right side of the Dropbox page as shown below.

Step 4 - Select Upload file

5. Then select file or the document you want to upload or save > Click Open.

  how to upload files on dropbox via PC / laptop

6. Next select Dropbox > Click Uploads.

Step 6 - click Dropbox then Upload

7. Wait until the file or document upload process in Dropbox is complete. If the file you are uploading is quite large in size, it may take a long time.

Step 7 - Wait until the upload process is complete

8. The process of uploading files or documents in Dropbox via PC or laptop has been successfully carried out.

  how to upload files on dropbox via android phone

#2 Upload Files in Dropbox Via Android Phone

1. Download and install the Dropbox application on your Android phone.

2. Open the application that you installed earlier.

Step 2 - open the box

3. If you don’t have a Dropbox account yet, please select SIGN UP to register your account first. But if you already have an account, just select LOG IN to enter.

Step 3- register account or login

4. If your account is already registered, please enter email and password You > Select Login or Sign in.

Step 4 - enter your email and password then log in

5. Next, if you have successfully logged into your Dropbox account, please select the plus icon indicated by the red arrow below.

Step 5 - select the add icon

6. Then select Add from library or add from library/storage.

Step 6 - Add from library

7. Select More library options.

Step 7 - select More library option

8. Then search for and select file or the document you want to upload to Dropbox.

Step 8 - find and select the file

9. Wait until the process is complete. If the size of the file you upload is quite large, it will take quite a bit of time.

Step 9 - wait for the process to finish

10. The process of uploading files or documents in Dropbox via an Android phone has been successfully carried out.

Step 10 - successful

Isn’t it easy to upload files on Dropbox? Although it only provides a small amount of free storage, Dropbox also provides a solution to this problem. You can save up to 18GB of files for free with a referral system by inviting your friends or acquaintances to use Dropbox through your account reference.

Every single account that registers for Dropbox with your referrals, you will get 500MB. If you need more capacity, you’ll need to be willing to pay the price set by Dropbox. So this article, hopefully useful for you.

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