2 Easy Ways to Activate Hotspot on Iphone (For Beginners)
In an era that is increasingly sophisticated as it is today, technological developments are increasingly rapid and help one of them, namely smartphones. Smartphones in the current era almost all have a hotspot feature.
Hotspot or thatering is a feature to share your internet connection with others who are in need of an internet connection. With this feature you can share your internet with other people, but not only to other people’s smartphones but if you want your PC / laptop to connect to the internet you can also use this feature.
On the iPhone itself how to activate hotspot/thatering This is slightly different from Android, maybe for some new users it will be a little confused because it is different from the features on Android. Here I will share how to enable hotspot on iPhone easily.
How to Activate Hotspot on Iphone
Oh yes, so that your internet connection is not used by random people, you must create a password for your hotspot. So that only the people you want can use it.
1.Using Wifi and Bluetooth
To use this method you can enter the application Settings. After you enter the settings application you can search for Personal Hotspot which is just below Cellular , once you find it then press the feature. Like the image below.
Then you will be taken to the next page to activate this hotspot feature. To activate it, you have to slide the personal hotspot switch to the right until it turns green. Then you will be given a choice. Like the image below.
After exiting a pop up option. Choose turn on wifi and bluetooth. The point is to share an internet connection with other people or to a PC, you have to use wifi and bluetooth as an intermediary. When you press Turn On Wifi and Bluetooth then your wifi and bluetooth will automatically turn on.
Then you can confirm it by looking at the list of networks that are on the wifi feature of your friend’s smartphone or even your PC. After you see the name of your hotspot is there then you can share your internet connection with others. Don’t forget to enter the password you created on your hotspot.
2. By USB
Actually this method is the same as using wifi and bluetooth. But the difference here is that you use a USB cable as an intermediary. The method is the same as the method above but when you choose what you want to share through what you can choose USB Only. Like the image below.
Connect your iPhone to the computer using a USB cable. Use the usual USB cable to sync or charge your phone. You can connect it to any USB port on your computer.
If you manage to connect your internet connection to someone else, then there will be a notification at the top of your iPhone how many devices are connected to your iPhone connection. Like the image below.
Well, it’s easy. Now you can help others who need an internet connection by sharing using the hotspot feature on your iPhone. Hopefully the tutorial on how to activate a hotspot on an iPhone above can be useful and can help many people. Thank you;-)
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