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5 Powerful Tips for Playing Batrider Mid Laner in Dota 2

OKEGUYS – 5 Tips so you can win when playing Batrider hero role mid laner in Dota 2.

Do you want to play Batrider on Dota 2 but with a different sensation? If that’s the case, you should try playing Batrider with the mid laner role.

Seriously guys, Batrider can also be played in the mid lane, even some Pro-Players.

Even Batrider with a mid laner role, can determine the victory of a team if you can play it well.

Well, by chance OKEGUYS wants to tell you all the tips for playing Batrider with the mid laner role in Dota 2. Come on, let’s take a look at the tips Guys!

5 Tips for Playing Hero Batrider Mid Laner in Dota 2

Tips for playing Batrider Dota 2
Photo: Youtube/Purge Gamer

1. Win Lane

With Batrider, you will easily win the mid lane. You can use Sticky Napalm to inhibit creeping the opponent’s mid laner hero.

In addition, try to get every creep and deny your creep so that your enemy hero is poor.

2. Don’t die in the early game

Try not to let Batrider die from being kidnapped or a 1 vs 1 battle between mid laners in the early game. It will get you into trouble in the future.

With the skills that Batrider has, it should be easy to solo kill when he reaches level 6 or has the ultimate skill.

3. Help Gank Safe Lane or Offlane

If you are in a position to win or lose while in the mid lane, keep doing it ganking or kidnap enemy heroes who are in safe lane or offlane.

If you manage to do ganking, you can add gold coffers to immediately make core items.

4. Immediately Build Boots of Travel and Blink Dagger

Seeing the Pro-Players who played Batrider with the mid laner role, the first item they made was Boots of Travel which was useful for mobilizing and making it easier for Batrider to kidnap.

After that, Batrider must also immediately buy Blink Dagger which is the ultimate item.

5. Playing Aggressive

Remember if you are a core in the team, so you have to play Batrider aggressively, guys.

Make sure to coordinate with the team well in order to create the perfect move for each war.

Read also: 5 Most Difficult Dota 2 Heroes to Play

So that’s it guys, 5 tips that you can do when playing Batrider with the mid laner role in Dota 2. Kuy, just do these tips when you want to feel playing Batrider with other sensations Guys.

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