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2 Ways to Overcome Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot (Can't Activate / Connect)

NESABAMEDIA.COM – Do you like to use internet connection on your cellphone? Maybe you are confused if it turns out that the connection is connected because the signal is not too strong. Not a few people who have problems with this internet connection. They want to connect their laptop with a LAN cable while their cellphone is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

However, sometimes problems arise where the connection suddenly drops or the Wi-Fi signal is not good. To solve this problem, you can create a hotspot via your laptop. The method is not difficult and can be done by anyone, even people who are trying it for the first time.

However, this method does not always work. Sometimes the mobile hotspot feature in Windows 10 also does not escape problems such as cannot be activated or cannot connect. Then what is the solution? The following is a discussion on how to solve Windows 10 mobile hotspot not being active or unable to connect.

How to Solve Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot Can’t Connect?

Solution 1: Reinstall WiFi Drivers

1. Log in to Start Menu then search Device Manager.

How to Solve Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot Problems

2. After the Device Manager display opens, then you scroll down a bit. In Network adapters, you right click WiFi driver You. How can we know it’s a WiFi driver? Usually the WiFi driver has writing Wireless.

right click WiFi driver

3. Then you select Uninstall device.

select Uninstall device

4. Here we will uninstall our WiFi driver. Don’t worry, we can do the reinstall later. choose Uninstall.

How to Overcome Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot Can't Connect

5. Wait for the WiFi driver uninstall process to complete.

WiFi driver uninstall process

6. Still on the Device Manager menu. Next you choose Action then select Scan for hardware changes.

How to Overcome Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot Can't Activate

7. Your WiFi driver will reappear.

Your WiFi driver will reappear

8. You can use Mobile Hotspot and now you can connect and activate it.

How to Overcome Windows 10 Mobile Hotspot Can't Connect Latest

Solution 2: Disable Bluetooth Features

1. Enter the menu Windows Settings via key combination Windows + I.

How to Overcome Mobile Hotspot Can't Be Active

2. One of the causes of problematic Mobile Hotspot is because Bluetooth on your laptop or computer is still active. Therefore, you need to turn it off. Click blue button to turn it off.

causes of problematic Mobile Hotspot

3. Bluetooth is off the status will change to Off. Now you try to use Mobile Hotspot again.

off the status will change to Off

Overview of Mobile Hotspot Features

Windows 10 is Microsoft’s newest operating system. This operating system is equipped with many interesting and advanced features. One of these features is named mobile hotspot which users can enable Wi-Fi hotspots. For this one feature, maybe not too many people use it. Especially those who are used to connecting their devices with Wi-Fi.

In fact, this mobile hotspot feature has many benefits. You can use this feature when your laptop is connected to a LAN network while you also want your smartphone to be connected to the internet as well. So, you can activate this feature. In addition, the use of the mobile hotspot feature does not have to use third-party applications because this feature is already a default feature or a default feature that is owned by Windows 10.

You have been able to use the mobile hotspot feature since the first time you installed Windows 10 on your laptop. Even so, sometimes this feature is not free from problems. There are several problems that you can find when using a Windows 10 mobile hotspot. Some of these problems will include the following message:

  • We can’t set up mobile hotspot because your PC doesn’t have an Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular data connection.
  • We can’t set up mobile hotspot. Turn on Wi-Fi.
  • We can’t share this internet connection because we can’t connect to the cellular network.

For those of you who are experiencing problems like the ones above, you just need to follow the two solutions that we have described above. You just need to follow the steps that we will share below. That way, the problematic mobile hotspot problem can be resolved. You can now use this feature.

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