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Not just a shield, this is how to become a Mobile Legends dream tank

How to become a Mobile Legends dream tank?

Mobile Legends dream tanks are those who are able to lead the team well. Tanks that are more fitting to be called roamers currently have a very important role in the team’s body.

Over time, Mobile Legends is also growing so rapidly. META after META appeared as the game also changed from one patch to another.

Playing tank or roamer is not that simple. Lots of gameplay that tanks can play in META now. This forces roamers to develop, especially in mastering the heroes who are increasingly filling this post.

Minotaur, mobile legends dream tank
Credit: Moonton

Want to be Mobile Legends’ dream tank? Here are the tips and tricks

Then what is the best way to play roamer today so that we can become Mobile Legends’ dream tank? ONE Esports has a few tips and tricks.

However, before entering this stage, you must know the composition of the heroes in the team. Because the gameplay and the combination of heroes in each role will affect the way the roamer plays itself.

Early game is quite important for roamers. Here you must be able to read the capacity of the opponent’s hero. If they use a squishy jungler like an assassin or marksman, attacking the opponent’s jungle can be an option.

The most riotous Jawhead tank in Mobile Legends in 2021
Credit: Moonton

Another option is to keep the jungler alone. This is considered playing safe and anticipating if the opponent’s roamer has the ability to riot greater than the roamer hero we are using. Especially if our jungler has difficulty jungling solo at level 1, accompanying them is an option.

Not only those two, there is also a third option that is currently trending. Namely, when the opponent’s jungler is a tank or fighter that is difficult to destroy, and we use a thin sidelaner damage, the option to accompany the sidelaner is the most appropriate, at least until he is level 4 so he can be independent.

Entering the mid game, the capacity of our hero power must be shown. It all depends on the type what kind of roamer to play.

If you use heroes like Chou and Jawhead, you can move freely towards the opponent’s forest. But also don’t be too offside. Remember our main task is to move alone is to open the map to know the enemy’s position.

The two heroes also have pretty good chasing, escaping, and CC abilities. So it is suitable for aggressive tanks.

Chou push rank early season Mobile Legends
Credit: Moonton

But, if you are a typical initiation tank like LJ, and like to use moment tanks like Khufra, Atlas, to Akai, timing and positioning are very important. You can’t be too forward if you use this hero because the main thing is to catch it at the right moment.

Then what was META and still effectively used was roamer support/mage. Lately it has become an option because of the many effective supports for war.

Here, you can’t go too far. Maybe only Mathilda and Angela support can really be aggressive because of the ability to escape skills that are fast and have high mobility. The rest are paste types.

Estes, Rafaela, and most recently Floryn is a passive roamer type that must be near the core or at least a partner. Roamer support is prohibited from being in a position that is too offside let alone opening the bush alone. He is most needed when the war is big.

Speaking of late games, the task of the tank/roamer is also very important. If you use the heroes of the initiation body outside of support, your job is to open the bush and find out the enemy’s position.

Here you have to be very smart and careful. Because just once die, it becomes an advantage for the enemy to suppress.

Floryn Mobile Legends
source: Mobile Legends

In addition, in the late game, the initiation of a tank/roamer becomes so crucial. Mobile Legends dream tanks are those who are able to make accurate initiations towards the enemy’s core and provide momentum for the team to win.

Whether kidnapping or in a major war, momentum and initiation are most crucial. No different from hero support.

When playing with roam support, try to always stick with the two to three biggest damage-producing heroes. This is a distinct advantage because the durability of the damage dealer will increase in scale and can last a long time in important wars. This is where the defining moment usually occurs.

How to choose the best tank item

Itemization will always be important. Although many say the roamer will subordinate the item to see he will be the poorest in the team, but you have to be really observant in buying items.

There are usually two types of roamers/tanks in purchasing items. The first is those who already have enough CC and durability at the beginning, so they immediately see the opponent’s biggest damage coming from which hero.

Mobile Legends, Radiant Armor, Athena Shield
Credit: ONE Esports

You have to buy Radiant Armor if the enemy has an annoying DPS damage mage, Athena Shield if the enemy’s magic burst damage is dangerous, or if the enemy relies on physical damage, you can buy Antique Quirass, Immortality, to Twilight Armor.

There is one important item in META now where marksman is again an option. Is Blade Armor, an item that can ward off basic damage marskman very well.

There are still many other choice item options. You have to really explore the function of defense items if you want to become a Mobile Legends dream tank.

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