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2+ How to Download Youtube Subtitles on Android / Laptop (100% Work)

When it comes to watching videos on YouTube, especially videos showing videos from abroad, of course, we often feel confused about the language. Because the language they use we don’t really understand. Therefore, to make viewers understand what a video means, Youtube provides a place to add subtitles.

This subtitle is also very useful for people who are deaf. Because by reading the subtitles they understand what someone is doing in a video.

Video subtitles on YouTube also not only serve Indonesian and English, but many other languages. Such as Thai, Filipino, Russian, and all languages ​​in any part of the world. Here’s how to download youtube subtitles:

How to Download Youtube Subtitles on Android / Laptop

If you like to collect videos on YouTube, then you will not feel confused anymore to download the subtitles. You can download youtube subtitles on youtube itself.

Below is how to download subtitles on YouTube which can be downloaded using Android or PC.

1. How to Download Youtube Subtitles on Android

Android phone is a cellphone that is currently circulating in the market. Android-based cellphones are also cellphones that are needed by many people today, because in this era, technology is very developed.

We can watch videos using Android, namely by accessing Youtube. We can download the videos on YouTube, either offline or we can download them on our devices. If we download the video on the device, then we have to download the subtitle as well.

And here’s how to download YouTube subtitles on Android phones:

1. First you have to open the youtube application on your cellphone.

How to Download Subtitles on Youtube via Android

2. Next you can click Share which is below the video.


3. After that, on the Share menu there are several menus such as Share to Twitter, bluetooth gmail, copy links, and so on. In this section, you can click on the section Copy link.


4. Then you can close the Youtube application that you opened earlier. Then you can open a browser or a browsing application such as Google Chrome, and then visit the site Lilsubs. After that, you can click on the first link found in the google search results.

5. After that you can Paste the link that you copied earlier in the Copy link section. Then you can click Download.

Copy link section

6. Wait a while until some subtitles appear. If it appears, then you can click the subtitle you want to download. You can find it by scrolling down the page. In this article, I download Indonesian subtitles.

click the subtitle you want to download

2. How to Download Subtitles on Laptop / PC

Not only on Android, on PC we can also download subtitles on Youtube videos. Here’s how to download YouTube subtitles on PC:

1. First you can open Then choose which video you want to download subtitles for. After that, you can copy link located at the top of the browser display.

How to Download Subtitles on Youtube via PC

2. Next, you can click new tab on your browser. Then visit site.

3. After that you can Paste the link contained in the paste link column on the Downsub website. If you have, then you can click Download.

click Download

4. Finally, you can scroll down on the website. And search for which subtitle you want and click Download. At this time I downloaded Indonesian subtitles.

How to Download Subtitles on Youtube for Beginners

That’s a tutorial on how to easily download YouTube subtitles via an Android phone or PC/Laptop, perfect for beginners. Hopefully useful and easy to understand. Thank you!

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