(100% Successful) 5+ Ways to Overcome Obtaining WiFi IP Address on Android
For those of you who have been using WiFi for a long time, you may already be familiar with this term. Obtaining IP Address is an IP address retrieval that runs when your cellphone is connected to the internet. The normal is as below:
- First you turn on the WiFi icon on your smartphone.
- Then you tap on the WiFi network you want to connect to. Next, you will be asked to enter a password. But usually there is also WiFi that is not in the password so you just type it once and it will automatically connect to WiFi.
- Then your cellphone will take the IP address from WiFi and when it can, then your cellphone can be connected, you are connected to the internet.
Normally it is like the process above. However, sometimes not everything we plan can run smoothly as we want. The problem that occurs is that the cellphone cannot connect to WiFi even though you have done the usual ways to get connected.
Error that says “Obtaining WiFi IP Address” is one of the most annoying errors for users when trying to connect to WiFi. Therefore, below I will explain about the causes of how to overcome the Obtaining IP Address WiFi on your Android.
Causes and How to Overcome Obtaining WiFi IP Address
1. Device Not Getting IP Address
1. To solve this problem, go to menu Settings on your HP. Then select Network & Internet.
2. After that go to the menu Wi-Fi.
3. In the Wi-Fi menu, you will see several hotspots / SSIDs appear. Click + hold on the name of the hotspot (eg Pevita) that has a problem / cannot connect. Next select Forget network.
4. After that, click the hotspot name again and re-enter the password. Then select Connect.
5. You can reconnect the hotspot without worrying about the Obtaining IP Address WiFi error.
2. Device Not Getting IP Address #2
1. If the first method does not work, then you can try this second method. Enter menu Settings, then select Network & Internet.
2. Enter the menu Wi-Fi.
3. Here we try to add the SSID manually. Make sure you know the name of the SSID / hotspot, it must be exact and there should be no typo when entering the SSID name. Next select Add network.
4. Enter SSID/hotspot name on column Network name then select WPA/WPA2 PSK on column Security. Re-enter Wi-Fi passwords on column Password. Next select Save.
5. It worked! You reconnect to the hotspot.
3. Restricted Hotspot Users
Hotspot owners usually limit the number of users who can connect, for example, only 20 users can connect to the hotspot. This is done so that network traffic remains stable and internet speed is not slow. As you know that the more users are connected, the bandwidth on the network will be divided among each of these users.
To solve this problem, it is rather troublesome because you need to ask the hotspot owner to increase the number of users so that you can reconnect to the hotspot.
4. Weak WiFi Network
The first thing that causes you to not be able to connect to WiFi is because the WiFi network is weak. We know that WiFi uses a signal as a transmitter where you can connect to WiFi through a given signal. There must be a limit to the WiFi signal, so you also have to pay attention to the distance between you and the WiFi center.
When the WiFi signal you are connected to is weak, then this can cause your device to not be able to connect. Even if at that time you can, but usually the signal will break easily and will definitely irritate you. Therefore, before connecting to WiFi, make sure you are in a place that can reach the signal well.
5. WiFi Password Has Been Changed
The second cause that makes you unable to connect to WiFi is the password that has been changed. This condition sometimes we don’t realize where when we connect to the WiFi we usually use it suddenly fails. Even though there is no notification that you have to enter a new WiFi.
So many articles about the causes and how to overcome the Obtaining IP Address WiFi. This problem is quite annoying, even though you are already connected to WiFi. But the problem is that you can’t connect to the internet. This kind of thing is sure to frustrate everyone. Especially if at that time we have urgent needs such as downloading files while we do not have a data package.
Therefore, you should learn about how to overcome obtaining WiFi IP Address which we will share this time. But before that you have to know in advance what are the things that cause you to not be able to connect to WiFi.
Founder and Chief Editor at Nesabamedia.com. I prefer watching movies than writing, just write when I’m in the mood. Pleased to meet you!
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