10 Painful Hero Fighters in Mobile Legends
OKEGUYS – Hero Fighter in Mobile Legends basically has each ability, and is certainly quite deadly.
However, there are some heroes with this Fighter role that are considered the sickest and have a big impact on the Guys fight.
That way, some of the Fighter heroes in Mobile Legends are sometimes used as cores in the game (depending on the game).
The Painful Hero Fighter in Mobile Legends
Of the current Fighter heroes, some are often used and some are rarely used.
Well, therefore mimin will summarize some of the sickest Fighter heroes that are often used today, here are the rows.
1. Zilong
When getting a buff from Mobile Legends, Zilong became the sickest Fighter hero in Mobile Legends, guys.
In fact, it’s not uncommon for players who don’t use this one hero in the game, besides that Zilong is also a ban subscription in Ranked mode.
Because this hero can do split push which is very fast as well as kidnapping each of the opponent’s important heroes, it must have been the key to victory at this rate.
2. Alucard: Hero Fighter Mobile Legends
Since the release of Mobile Legends, Alucard has become the sickest hero in Mobile Legends, guys, besides that he is also the most powerful Fighter hero.
Even Alucard is also often used as a core hero in games, this is because it has very large damage and lifesteal very tight.
However, it all depends on the items used and how to play smart Guys, if you play sluggishly, Alucard will definitely become dregs.
Also Read: 5 Hurt Assassin Heroes in Mobile Legends
3. Aldous
In addition to the two heroes above, Aldous is also the sickest and strongest hero, guys, let alone already late games, behhh.
Aldous is basically a hero who focuses on resistance or defense, guys, but on the other hand he has unique abilities.
Namely a passive skill that can collect stacks of up to 500, where every stack he gets will add damage that affects the basic attack or his 1st skill.
4. Barats
Just like Aldous guys, Barats is a new Fighter hero in Mobile Legends and also focuses on resilience.
Where this hero is not concerned with item damage Guys, because even without using damage items Barats already has such a large damage skill against the opponent.
Therefore, Barats is also considered a Tank-flavored Fighter, because his blood is very thick and it is almost very difficult to beat him.
5. Balmond
Next is Balmond, Guys, one of the fighters that is similar to Alucard, which has great damage and lifesteal tight.
Balmon is usually positioned as a hero offlaner, or a blocker of enemy minions and also kidnappers for Lord and Turtle.
Even so, Balmond is also one of the fighter heroes that is difficult to beat, for those of you who often deal with this hero it is advisable not to 1 vs 1 with him.
6. Paquito

Then there is Paquito, one of the strongest and sickest Hero Fighters in Mobile Legends, besides that Paquito is also a subscription hero for bans in ranked mode, Guys.
Not only is the damage great, this hero also has skills that are troublesome for his opponents, Guys, because this hero can stun and slow down his opponent.
7. Yu Zhong

Not only has great damage, Yu Zhong is also a very thick Fighter hero and is very difficult to kill.
Besides that, Yu Zhong is also able to fight 3 opposing heroes at once, Guys, but must have a higher level than the opponent, Guys.
8. Khaleed

Khaleed is the strongest Fighter hero in Mobile Legends, guys, because he has a fairly thick HP and fast healing skills.
Besides that, Khaleed also has a lot of damage, guys, especially from skill 1, what’s more, if you add the recommendation for the best Khaleed item, it just hurts more.
9. Chou

Chou is a Fighter hero that can be used as support and also a tank, guys, especially if you turn it into Assassins, surely Chou is very deadly for the opponent.
Basically Chou is a very dangerous kidnapping hero and by playing a few combos, Chou is able to defeat his enemy in just an instant.
10. Body
Photo: Mobile LegendsHero Fighter with amazing stun skills, almost all of Badang’s skills have a stun effect as well as his basic attack.
Badang is also a Fighter hero who has a deadly combo, Guys, moreover he is also an important hero during war, Badang is also able to kill 5 opponents at once, but it depends on the timing, Guys.
So, that’s the list of the sickest fighters in Mobile Legends, in your opinion, which one is the most dangerous, guys?
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