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Weather in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature

In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature the weather is very important for you to pay attention to, you can monitor the weather through the forecast on television every day to find out tomorrow’s weather conditions.

Weather conditions greatly affect the activities you do, for example, stamina will quickly decrease than usual.

By knowing the weather conditions you can prepare for the activities to be carried out. Like if the weather is sunny, then you can do mining activities, take care of livestock, agriculture, or go around greeting the villagers. But if the weather is raining or stormy then you just feed the livestock or go back to sleep.

You don’t need to water the plants in the garden when it’s raining or snowing. But if you force work when it rains, you can fall ill.

Worse than the weather are hurricanes. When a typhoon occurs that day, it is likely that some of the plants ready to be harvested along with the greenhouse will be swept away. In addition, it can also kill livestock if you store it outside the cage.

If it doesn’t die, chances are the animals are just sick and you have to buy the medicine to get well soon. That way you have to spend quite a lot of money to reorganize your garden that has been destroyed by a hurricane, buy new animals and buy medicine if an animal is sick.

So that’s the reason why you should monitor the weather all the time. To prepare for tomorrow’s storm please follow these two tips:

  1. Put all the animals in the cage
  2. Harvest ripe plants so they don’t disappear

Tips for Facing Storms

weather forecast harvest moon back to nature

Most of the weather you face is sunny and rainy. While bad weather such as hurricanes will come in the summer (Summer) while snowstorms come in the winter season (Winter).

When there is a big bada you can’t leave the house, there’s nothing to do but go back to sleep. And at that time it was certain that the storm would damage some of the gardens, cages and kill livestock that were kept outside the cage.

There is a rumor saying, when the storm comes, save wood in every corner of the greenhouse, then the greenhouse will not be destroyed.

The fact…

It really doesn’t work. The greenhouse will most likely still be destroyed even if you do these tips. To overcome this, just look at the forecast on television, if tomorrow there will be a storm, then “save game” just in case.

If the greenhouse is destroyed, you can do a “load game” and see the next day whether it is destroyed or not. If it’s still broken you can repeat this step.

Regardless, to prepare for anything that happens, ask the Harvest Spirits (Dwarves) to take care of your livestock. They braved the storm to save animals and feed livestock.

Have them work for three days, as the storm will likely last for several days. Harvest ripe plants so they don’t get lost.

Also make sure your livestock has been moved into the cage. During a storm you can’t do anything, can’t watch TV or leave the house. To take advantage of this condition, you can train your dog or play ball with him.

If you already have a kitchen and enough groceries, make some recipes or sleep to save playing time.

So that’s a discussion about weather forecasts and tips for dealing with storms in the future. If you like this article, please share it with your friends too. Wait for the next update, and for those of you who are new to playing Harvest Moon, don’t forget to also read our article about the Harvest Moon Back to Nature Guidebook.

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