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These Gamers Almost Died Because of Addiction to Playing PUBG, Jakarta – Game addiction, specifically games on line certainly not a good thing. Recently, there was a gamers who almost lost their lives from infatuation or too much play PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds).

Gamers The 25-year-old Indian origin accidentally drank a liquid AC ID or acid, thinking the liquid in the bottle is a bottle of mineral water.

According to Dr. Manan Gogiya, the doctor who saved the life of the man from Chhindwara, stated that the incident occurred when the victim was playing PUBG using his mobile device. smartphone on page.

{Also read: Ouch! PUBG Game Addiction, Student Kills Hanging Himself}

“A bottle of acidic liquid was kept nearby. While he was playing, he accidentally drank the liquid, thinking it was water. His condition worsened and he was rushed to the hospital,” he said Times of India, Tuesday (12/03/2021).

Gogiya who performed the operation on the victim also said that the patient’s stomach was full of gastric ulcers, but slowly recovered after the operation. Worse, the horrific experience did not make gamers it’s a deterrent. Because, while being treated at the hospital, he is still busy playing games and also watch videos via smartphone.

{Also read: Not Buying a Cellphone to Play PUBG, This Boy Hangs Himself}


“Even during treatment, he is busy playing games. When he is not playing, he will watch movies on smartphoneher,” he said.

Previously, deaths caused by addiction to play games in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi. A student found dead hanged oneself after addicted to play online game as PUBG, Clash of Clans and more.

A student was found dead in a pathetic condition hanging from a Kosambi tree behind SMAN 2 Kapontori, Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) on Sunday (24/02/2021). It is suspected that the student committed suicide after knowing the game PlayerUnknown’s Battleground (PUBG). (BA/FHP)

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