The release of Apex Lagends for the Switch is forced to be delayed, what about the Steam version?

Apex Legends will be released on Steam and Nintendo Switch platforms.
GridGames.ID – Electronic Arts has provided the latest information update for the Nintendo Switch and PC versions of Apex Legends via Steam.
Reporting from Gamespot, the Steam version of Apex Legends will be released on November 5, 2021.
Players can switch logins between their previous platforms or through Steam and allow you to transfer all the account progress that you have lived.
Also Read: Apex Legends Reportedly Will Be Ported To Nintendo Switch

Apex Legends will be releasing on Steam.
Meanwhile, every player who logs in via Steam will get the ‘Half-Life’ weapon charm and Portal during Season 7 login.
Along with the release of the Steam version, the game developer will also launch Season 7 on November 5th.
Also Read: Seven Knights – Time Wanderer, Game Made by Netmarble Will Release on Nintendo Switch
As for the Nintendo Switch port of Apex Legends, it will unfortunately be delayed until 2021.
The latest release date or leak has yet to be announced for the Nintendo Switch port.
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