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PUBG Tips: 15 Things We Want To Know Before Playing

Learning the tips and tricks of playing PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds in advance can be useful for those of you who are just starting out. Because this game is not only fun, it can be taken seriously too, and when it’s serious you’ll need tactics to fight dozens of enemies with weapons and equipment that you couldn’t predict before.

Luckily we have 15 useful tips for new players to enjoy Chicken Dinner alone or with your friends. Can be used for any version of PUBG including PUBG Mobile from Tencent on the Google Play Store or App Store.

Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds launched in Early Access this year and has been a huge success. Battlegrounds creator Brendan Greene said that there are no plans to raise the price of the game when it launches Early Access and launches officially. The Xbox One version, currently being published by Microsoft, is slated to arrive in the Game Preview program later this year, but may not be permanently exclusive to the console.

1. Use CTRL+T To Mute Voice Chat

The first thing you have to do when you want to jump in is to press CTRL and T. That will turn off voice chat in the game. Trust us, when you’re in the lobby or on the plane, 100 people are waiting for the game to start and they will usually speak incoherently and really disturb your concentration, even some people will say something unnatural.

2. Gun Attachments Problem

The issue of weapons will be complicated if you are just starting out because you have absolutely no understanding of the power and benefits of the weapon whether it is the strongest or the worst. But our advice is to look for an assault rifle or sniper rifle as soon as it will make you feel ready to face anything in a match, but most weapons increase greatly with the attachment you add to them. For example, an AK-47 or SCAR can deal some damage that is hard to deal with in its initial state without anything. But just plug in some stocks or extended magazines, and suddenly those guns will be easier to manage. Having the right attachments for your weapons can make them more effective, and will set you up for any terrain.

Also understand some additional weapon attachments such as foregrip and stocks that will affect the weapon when you use it. Before you search for your favorite weapon, look for and take any weapon around because it will be useful, and replace it if you have found a favorite weapon.

4. Don’t Forget to Check Firing Mode

Almost any weapon you pick up will have more than one shooting mode. Single-shot and Automatic. Always try to check because most people will forget this little thing, don’t let you check when you are dealing with an enemy it will make you confused.

Press the B button to activate the shooting mode of the weapon you have, and pay attention to the settings. Some weapons include single, “burst”, and automatic, and some weapons only have one. Weapons that you might think should always be set to automatic can be very useful as single shot weapons for example, an AK-47 with a scope can be used more or less like a sniper if you set it to single-shot, and it will bring down recoil.

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5. Grenades Can Explode in Your Pocket

Be careful with grenades, when you hold and left click on the mouse and a red arrow appears immediately adjust the direction of the throw and throw it immediately, if you don’t throw it for too long the grenade will explode with you. It should also be noted that if you are holding a grenade and then switch to another weapon it is equally dangerous and will explode in the bag.

6. Cars will Spawn at Certain Locations

Cars are useful in any case but quite risky because their sound will provoke enemies to aim at you, but cars are very useful when you are in the red zone, outside the safe circle or when there are many players and want to escape. But unfortunately cars only appear in certain areas, but usually they appear near the city.

7. Cars Offer Little Protection From Shots

Driving a car or motorbike may seem like a great way to get out of a difficult and stressful situation, and there will be times when the car will take you out of a bad situation. But don’t expect too much to make the car the strongest protection.

Cars are easily destroyed, and when you’re dying in a car it can’t be brought back to life with friends. Especially behind the wheel, you can become a fairly easy target for experienced players. Some people like to set choking positions like bridges and wait for people to cross, and even in cars.

8. You can switch seat positions and take cover

When you’re driving you are very helpless, because you only focus on driving can’t shoot enemies who are shooting at you. If you are brave and fast enough and in a position being shot by the enemy immediately switch to the passenger seat position and then immediately aim at the enemy position and shoot.

To change seats, press the CTRL key and then the number keys for the seat you want: CTRL and 1 in the driver’s seat, CTRL and 2 in the passenger seat, and so on.

9. Car has Handbrake and Booster

Cars have special features that will be very useful in certain conditions and you should know. First the car has a handbrake, which is linked to a random Space button, which you can use for tight maneuvers or quick stops when you need to get out and start shooting. They also have boosters that can make your car run fast. Boost for cars is associated with the Shift key by default, and this increases the speed of a car quite significantly.

10. Storing your weapons can make your run faster

When you’ve been playing for a while it’s pretty easy to get used to playing PUBG as a very careful player sneaking around and closing all the doors behind them, but sometimes, you have to run to stay alive. When you need to run fast, press the X button to save your weapon. Walking without carrying anything while moving a little faster than usual. You can further increase your running speed with Energy Drinks and Painkilers. By increasing your boost in several levels, you can get six percent more speed than your character. It doesn’t sound like much, but if it’s in a gripping state it will be very useful and beneficial.

Also Read: PUBG Guide: 12 Tips and Tricks For Beginners

11. You can’t really hide in the tall grass though

The first map in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds does have a lot of lush grass but keep in mind that it won’t make it safe to hide or take cover. There is actually a certain distance where the grass doesn’t appear from the other player’s point of view. What you may see lush grass may not be to others.

12. Hints Let You Try Traps and Ambushes

All players really like to set strategies and traps, and many players have been hit by these traps very often and many players have managed to avoid them.

One of the most cunning traps and many people have been caught by this trap is to leave the car and wait for other players to get in the car without looking at the surroundings and the person hiding behind. If you see a car in the open, you should look at the situation in the car and around. There are several clues that could provide a trap. First, the newly spawned car has the brake lights off. So if you see a car with a red light on the back, it means someone is already using it.

13. Press Shift to hold the character’s breath

When you are targeting the enemy with your weapon, you must focus so that the weapon does not shake, focus by pressing the Shift key and the character will hold his breath and then it will make the weapon more stable and it will provide comfort when you are aiming at the enemy.

14. You Can Ignore Pistols Almost Completely

Except for the first jump maybe the gun will be a little useful but after 2 minutes of diving immediately throw the gun away and find another weapon that is more useful.

15. Suppressors are really useful

Suppressors are silencers that will make your weapon quieter and less inviting to enemies when firing. Especially if you use Suppressors with Assault Rifle it is a deadly combination that will make the enemy KO quickly

And here are 15 tips that we can collect and you can immediately try to play alone or with friends. Never be afraid to always start playing, because every time you play it will add to your experience and will get better.

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