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Preview: Impressive But Slightly Complicated Playstation VR

VR (Virtual Reality) is a hot topic of conversation lately. And indeed the market seems to be in a high point of excitement even though there are only three big players in the VR field, namely Playstation VR, HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift. Unfortunately neither of them has a VR-specific app that’s more nippy.

Indeed, it seems that it will take more time to develop VR to a sufficient level of popularity. But news has spread and enthusiasm has been raised. The situation is perhaps somewhat similar to a few years ago, when motion game first introduced. And now the presence of PlayStation VR (PS VR), which used to be referred to as Project Morpheus, seems to have emerged at the right time.

Playstation VR still needs more time to develop, but at least there are some promising things that could emerge from the device.

Design and Practicality

PlayStation VR will be even more delicious when paired with PS4 Neo. But the process setup seems to be more complicated if the user decides to use with PS4. If you choose to use the PS4, there will be two separate units: a PS4 unit and the other a box containing a small device (similar to a PS4 mini) with a pair of cables that can be connected to a PS VR headset. Sony’s choice to provide a small device with a pair of cables is actually an odd decision, considering that Sony is usually synonymous as a company that is passionate about releasing wireless-based products. So arguably, Sony is taking a step back here. One would find it hard to imagine having to operate PS VR with a cable plugged into another device. Of course it will be very annoying and inconvenient, as well as limiting movement.

Furthermore, the PS VR headset looks a little too thin for a device that is actually going to be mass-produced. With thin dimensions, the PS VR device looks too flimsy and may not be a VR device that will attract a lot of attention.

It’s just that, once you open the VR storage box, people will get a device that feels light when held and comfortable when used. The overall weight of the VR is well distributed, so comfort becomes a value that will be obtained by people who use it. The headset screen is pretty good, but not on the same level as the HTC Vive, for example.

How’s the Performance?

This device has not yet arrived in Indonesia, but several sources have used it to play certain games. The game to try to play with PS VR is Battlezone, a game shooter where the player will be in the cockpit of the tank. The control of this game is equivalent to FPS type games (First Person Shooter). Controls are replicated in the game universe, complete with buttons to press and move real-time his. In a VR environment, the player will enter the cockpit where he will find many details that will attract attention.

PS VR Value

Is PS VR a headset worth buying? In terms of price, at least PS VR is in a class of its own, because it is cheaper than its competitors. At a price range of $399 (5.1 million), PS VR is a relatively affordable device. However, someone who is interested in buying it must have a PlayStation Camera for PS VR to work, and this is a drawback. And when a PS4 disappears from the playroom, there’s a lot more money to spend.

For a device that demands a lot to function perfectly, having a PS4 without a VR headset seems more than enough.

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