Power Berry & Special Berry Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
In Harvest Moon: Back to Nature there is a unique item that can increase the character’s stamina status. However, how to get a Power Berry is quite difficult, considering that this Power Berry is not sold anywhere and cannot be found anywhere. So, we will give you a secret place to get 10 Power Berries and 1 Special Berry.
Before, has it ever crossed your mind? For example asking the question “what is a Power Berry?”
Okay, we will give a little explanation about this one item. Power Berry is very good for increasing stamina status. The more Power Berries you get, the more stamina you have.
That is, you will not get tired quickly in activities such as doing work in the garden to mining. That way, you don’t have to go back and forth to Hot Spring to recover your stamina.
How to get all the Power Berries in Harvest Moon BTN?
Okay calm down first.. To get this one fruit, just like you catch a legendary fish, where you can’t get a Power Berry anywhere.
To get this Power Berry, you don’t have to get it in the first year, but you can look for it in subsequent years and you can’t get the Power Berry twice from the same source.
For example, you already got a Power Berry at the mine behind the waterfall, so you can’t get it a second time at that place.
How do you understand? If you understand, please continue reading this article to the end to find out the existence of Power Berries and Special Berries in HM BTN.
How to Get 10 Power Berries and Special Berries in the Secret Place of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Powerberry 1
To get the first Power Berry, please go to the hot springs. There you will see a waterfall, then go behind the waterfall and you will enter the waterfall mine.
Dig the ground there using a hoe, if you are lucky, you will find it on the first floor. But if you find a ladder, then go down using the ladder. Power Berries are usually found on floors 2-3.
Powerberry 2
For how to get the second Power Berry, at least you have to prepare the harvest from your garden. You can choose any fruit or vegetable harvest. But to save costs, please buy Turnip seeds at the Supermarket, then plant them in your garden and don’t forget to water them every day.
Turnips are ready to be harvested after 5 days of planting. When it’s ready to harvest, take the five Turnips to the hot springs. Then put one by one behind the waterfall, its position can be seen in the picture.
If all Turnips have been cast, then the Harvest Goddess will appear and he will give you a Power Berry.
Powerberry 3
The third Power Berry can be obtained from a cedar tree that is hundreds of years old. Go to Side of Mother’s Hill with the axe.
You will see a tree near the river. Then use the ax to chop down the tree. If your ax hasn’t been upgraded at all, it will take several slashes for the Cedar tree to speak.
When the Cedar tree speaks, you will be given 2 choices, namely “don’t cut me” and “tree cutting“
If you choose “don’t cut me down”, then the Cedar will give you a Power Berry. But if you choose “cut the tree”, then you will faint and not get the Power Berry.
Powerberry 4
When you have got all the kitchen utensils purchased from TV Shopping, the last item you can buy is the Power Berry.
You can buy a Power Berry on TV Shopping for 5000G. Well, to get it, go to Doug’s Palace, The Inn, there you can order it using the telephone provided.
After three days of ordering, Zack will send the items you ordered.
Info: Offers can come in any season, this depends on the kitchen utensils that you have ordered.
Powerberry 5
You can get this fifth Power Berry through a swimming competition. Join and win the swimming competition, later you will get a Power Berry gift given by Major Thomas.
Tips for winning swimming competitions:
Do not rush to reach the finish line, this causes you to quickly run out of breath. Go slowly but surely, and also pay attention to other participants like Kai, because your toughest opponent in this race is Kai.
Powerberry 6
You can get the sixth Power Berry from the Base of Mother’s Hill during winter (Winter). During the winter, the lake at the Base of Mother’s hill will freeze (same location as the Cedar tree).
Go to the left side behind the cave (see picture position) in the middle of the lake. Press the X button until you manage to get a Power Berry.
Powerberry 7
Besides Waterfall Mine, there are also other mining places and the items are different from mining products in Waterfall Mine.
It’s the Winter Mine, here you can access the mine only during the snow season, because the lake will freeze.
Well, mining here allows you to get Power Berries. Then how?
Go to the Winter Mine, a cave in the middle of the Lake Base of Mother Hill. Then go into it and dig until you get a Power Berry.
Info: To get the Power Berry at least you have to be in the third floor.
Powerberry 8
To get the next Power Berry can be obtained from fishing in the sea. Go out to sea to fish, if you’re lucky, it’s not the fish you get, but the Power Berry.
Info: Usually the Power Berry from fishing is obtained during the snow season. We don’t know if we can do it in other seasons as well. Therefore, we highly recommend fishing in the sea frequently during winter only.
Powerberry 9
The next Power Berry is obtained from Anna. During the Summer season, plant a minimum of 100 (12 bags) of flower seeds, applicable to all types of flowers that can grow in that season.
When the flowers have grown, then Anna will come to your plantation to pick some flowers. As a token of gratitude, Anna will give you a Power Berry.
Powerberry 10
The last Power Berry can be obtained through Horse racing. For how to get it, just buy a betting ticket on Major Thomas, then talk to Barley to start the match immediately.
Collect 100 medals from the bet (if you win), and exchange the prize to Major Thomas. Later there will be various gifts that you can exchange and for the Power Berry itself you will see the words “Power Fruit”.
Tips for winning horse race bets:
To win multiple medals, buy a ticket and don’t vote oods the most or the lowest, but choose oods which has an average value.
Special Berry 11
Special Berry or Secret Berry is an item that is only available one time. You can get this Special Berry from The Kappa, a water creature that lives in the Lake Base of Mothers Hill.
To get it, prepare 3 cucumbers, and throw them into the lake in the right position. If it misses, The Kappa will not come out.
Kappa will come out after 1-2 cucumbers you throw and ask you not to throw it again. After that, throw the last mint, then Kappa will come out again and give you a Special Berry.
Info: Do it at 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM. If it is below or above that hour, then The Kappa will not come out. You can see the position of throwing the mintum in the picture above. Bring more than 3 cucumbers, this is just in case you throw the wrong position.
So, that’s the location and how to get the Power Berry Harvest Moon: Back to Nature that we managed to collect. To get all the Power Berries and 1 Special Berry it doesn’t take a short time, so take the Power Berry that you think is easy first.
If you like this article, please share it with your friends too. Wait for the next update, and for those of you who are new to playing Harvest Moon, don’t forget to also read our article about the Harvest Moon Back to Nature Guidebook.
photo source: hunterfreean.com
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