Must Know! These are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Pet Dreki Free Fire (FF)
Hello guys, greetings to meet again with in the Free Fire article. In this discussion, we want to review the advantages and disadvantages of Pet Dreki in FF. About anything? Please find the answer here!
Pets may be considered as accessories or complements in the game. Because usually players who bring Pets into battle to just accompany playing.
Pets are also the main attraction for FF players, and not a few people like them, even almost all players want to have a Pet.
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Not infrequently players also take advantage of the skills possessed by the Pet to help you while playing. Well, recently Free Fire released a new Pet called Dreki. Previously you could get this pet for free through the Diamon top up event yesterday.
Get acquainted with Dreki Yuk
Dreki is the newest Pet that is present in FF, he has the appearance of a dragon. This pet was previously introduced to the Free Fire Advance Server in January 2021. And then Dreki came for free through the Diamond top up event.
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Pet Dreki has a skill called Dragon Glare, where he is able to see enemies using Medkits within 30 meters. The skill lasts for 5 seconds at max level.
As we know, each pet has its own advantages and disadvantages. But for Dreki, what advantages does he have and what are his disadvantages? To know more, we should just take a look below.
Advantages of Pet Dreki
As we mentioned above, Dreki has skills that really help players. Where he can see enemies using Medkits within a 30 meter field of view.
This is certainly very useful, especially when you are in a firefight with an enemy, but suddenly your enemy disappears, even though he is dying.
Well, by involving this Dreki you can easily find them and immediately chase him to where he is hiding. Pet Dreki is very suitable for use in Clash Squad Mode, because the mode is narrower than Classic or Ranked.
Disadvantages of Pet Dreki
Meanwhile, Dreki’s weakness lies in his skills. Yes, he has very limited skills. So if the enemy is more than 30m range, then they are not detected at all.
So, if used in Classic or Ranked mode, the skill is likely to be less effective. Especially if you’re doing battle at a distance. Even so, the Dreki skill is still useful if you are fighting at close range.
No matter how good a Pet in Free Fire is, there are still prominent flaws. This applies to all Pets, because each Pet must have its own charm and ability. Yes, not much different from the character.
If you ask, “Dreki’s skills are good or not”, “This pet is not suitable for Ranked”, and other questions. Trust me guys, all FF Pets are useful and it depends on the player how to use his skills, good or not. Moreover, you need to adjust the distance so that the Dreki skill can be used.
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